Client-server in one computer ============================= Topics covered in this lecture: Bounded buffer. Locks. Recall from last time: isolating programs using page tables. How to allow two programs to interact with one another? Suppose we have two programs communicating via a Unix pipe. Sender needs to send data to receiver. How can we do this while still enforcing client/server modularity? Idea: let the kernel manage interaction. Kernel provides a new abstraction for safe interaction between programs. Programs directly interact only with the kernel, not each other. Abstraction: sending messages (just what we need for c/s from lecture 3). Diagram: sender & receiver programs in user-space, kernel below. Sender & receiver programs send and receive messages via kernel. Never interact directly (isolated using virtual memory). For now, focus on one-way message passing. Can use the same mechanism both ways to get RPC for client/server. ## Aside: the kernel doesn't strictly have to pass messages. A different ## design would be to arrange the page tables of two processes to share ## one common page of memory. The two processes can then implement message ## passing via this shared page, as we will describe below. Kernel-provided abstraction: buffer storing several messages. API (system calls): send(m): adds m to the buffer. m <- receive(): reads message from the buffer. If there are no messages, receive may need to wait. Buffer is finite, so send may also need to wait for some free space. Looks a lot like the pipe in Unix (next recitation). Why do we need more than 1 entry? Help deal with bursty senders and receivers. When sender is faster, can accumulate backlog without waiting for receiver. When sender is slower, receiver can catch up without waiting for sender. Will talk more about this next week in the performance lecture. Problem: concurrency. Suppose we have two CPUs, shared memory, one program per CPU. (Diagram.) When program invokes a system call, kernel runs code on the program's CPU. send() and receive() functions in kernel interact via shared memory. Diagram: buffer data structure lives somewhere in shared memory, accessed by kernel code from both of the two CPUs. Both send() and receive() access / modify this data structure. What happens if send() and receive() execute at the same time? Could potentially interfere with each other. Need to design them so they don't misbehave! Concurrency is a significant, recurring problem in computer systems. Data structure: Bounded buffer: buf[5]: stores 5 messages in: number messages that have been put into this buffer out: number of messages that have been taken from this buffer How to send and receive messages? (in mod 5) is the next place that send() should write. (out mod 5) is the next place where receive() should read. Example: in=28, out=26 => two messages waiting, slots 1 and 2. When can we send or receive? in-out<5: can send. in>out (or in!=out, since in>=out always): can receive. [ slide: send() ] bb is a pointer to instance of bounded buffer, so we can have many of them. E.g., one per c/s pair, or one per Unix pipe. Loop waits for space to send ("busy-wait"). Write message to slot. Increment in. [ slide: receive() ] Loop waits for a message to become available. Copy message from slot. Increment out. Does this work if a send() and a receive() run concurrently on two CPUs? Yes, but this is very unusual -- concurrency is rarely so simple! [ slide: can we swap increment + buffer write in send? ] [ slide: no, that would be bad idea ] Important: send() & receive() must first access buffer, then increment in/out. As soon as one increments, other can assume the buffer location is ready! E.g., send increments: receive can take message from buffer. E.g., receive increments: send can put new message into that slot. Limitations of this simple concurrent bounded buffer: 1. Only one sender and one receiver. 2. Each sender and receiver has its own CPU. Otherwise, busy-wait loop will prevent anyone else from running. 3. CPUs perform memory reads and writes in the order shown. Compilers and processors can re-order or cache memory accesses! How to fix these limitations? 1. Rest of today's lecture. 2. Wednesday's lecture. 3. Tell the compiler not to make any assumptions ("volatile" in C), and tell CPU not to re-order memory accesses ("mfence" instruction in x86). Multiple senders. E.g., multiple processes write to a pipe at the same time. A: send(bb, m1) B: send(bb, m2) Need to define what we want to happen: what's useful to the application? Reasonable desired outcome: buf contains m1 and m2 in = 2 don't care about order of m1 and m2 What happens if two CPUs (A and B) both run send at the same time? A: send(m1) B: send(m2) read in (0), out (0) read in (0), out (0) write m1 to buf[0] write m2 to buf[0] read in (0) read in (0) write 1 to in write 1 to in Outcome: in=1, buf[0]=m2, m1 was lost. This bug is called a "race". Once A starts, it has to hurry to finish incrementing in. Other races in this code: If there's only one slot left, A & B can both think there's space => can overwrite oldest entry. Races are a serious problem: Easy to make mistake: code on the slide looks perfectly reasonable. Hard to find: depends on timing, may arise infrequently. E.g., Therac-25 bug, only experienced operator typed fast enough. Why did send() and receive() work with one sender, one receiver? Only one CPU was calling send() => only one CPU is manipulating Same for bb.out and receive(). Let's restore this property even if we have multiple senders.. Lock: data structure with two operations. API: acquire(l) release(l) Lock state: either locked or unlocked. acquire() changes l to locked. release() changes l to unlocked. If l is locked, acquire() will wait until it's unlocked. If two CPUs try to acquire() same lock, one will succeed, other will wait. [ slide: fixing send() with locks ] One lock for each bb. Acquire before accessing bb. Release after done with the bb. Now, lock guarantees only one send() will execute at a time. If original code was correct with one send(), this should be correct too. Note: a lock is not inherently tied to any code or data. Up to programmer to use the lock correctly! [ slide: different locking plan for send() ] What happens if we acquire after the if statement? [ demo: lockdemo ] Two side-by-side terminals, 'urxvt -fn xft:Monospace-14 +sb' vi lockdemo.c on the left, initially with acquire/release. shell on the right. Code has one BB (array) and two CPUs, each appending three messages. Every second, we will run the two CPUs and print out contents of BB. Q: what will array[] hold? A: make lockdemo && ./lockdemo various correct answers, depends on interleaving. Q: what will array[] hold if we don't have locks? A: comment out acquire() and release(). make lockdemo && ./lockdemo sometimes correct output: races are often hard to reproduce in practice! too few elements: both wrote same array[n], both set n to new value. zero elements: both wrote same array[n], then increment in order. Q: what will array[] hold if we put locks around each statement in append()? A: put acquire() and release() around each of the two statements. make lockdemo && ./lockdemo always the right number of elements (increments happen in order). sometimes zero slots when both write to the same array[n]. Why is locking each line of code not enough? Refer back to the instruction sequences for two concurrent send()s. Lock around sequences of instructions provides before-or-after atomicity. Will execute one group before _or_ after another group, _not_ concurrently. Grouping increment's instructions ensures increment happens correctly. Not enough to ensure send() will use the correct slot in bb. How big should an atomic action big? When is it big enough? Often helpful to think of locks as protecting invariants. Invariant for bb: refer back to data structure definition. Can release lock when invariant holds: other CPUs can see state. Not OK to release lock when invariant is broken -- must fix it up first! E.g., in the middle of send(), already put msg, but haven't updated in. Lock prevents other CPUs from seeing an inconsistent state. More complex example: file system. [ slide: file system without concurrency ] How do we make it safe for multiple CPUs to call move()? Locking design #1: one lock ("coarse-grained" locking). [ slide: coarse-grained locking ] +: Likely correct, just like on a single CPU. -: No concurrency inside FS, even if accessing different directories. Can lead to low performance on many CPUs. Locking design #2: per-directory locks ("fine-grained" locking). [ slide: fine-grained locking ] +: More concurrency, can lead to higher performance. -: Hard to get correct! Best to start coarse-grained, refine as needed. Problem: in the middle of move(), file doesn't appear in either directory. [ slide: file not in dir1 or dir2 ] Invariant involves both dir1 and dir2, so need link+unlink to be atomic. Locking design #3: holding both locks together. [ slide: holding two locks ] +: Solves the atomicity problem. -: Deadlock. [ slide: deadlock ] Locking design #4: solving deadlock. Plan: look for all places where multiple locks are held. Ensure that in each case, locks are acquired in the same order. No locking cycles => no deadlock. [ slide: solving deadlock ] +: Finally might work. -: Painful, because it requires global reasoning about all locks. E.g., can you call printf()? Does it acquire some lock? Good news: deadlocks are not subtle once they occur! Program stops exactly at the place where deadlock occurred. [ pseudo-demo: real world locking schemes ] % cd ~/refsrc/linux-git % less fs/dcache.c ## look at comment on top about lock ordering % less mm/filemap.c ## look at comment on top about lock ordering How to implement acquire() and release()? acquire(l): ## strawman design while l != 0: do nothing l <- 1 release(l): l <- 0 Race condition similar to send(), with two CPUs: Both CPUs run acquire(l). Both see l==0. Both set l<-1. Both start executing code after the acquire(). Checking l!=0 and setting l=1 should be atomic! Chicken-and-egg problem? Hardware support: atomic instruction that combines both operations! Luckily, most processors provide a solution (often many possible solutions). One such atomic instruction on x86: XCHG reg, addr ## atomic exchange temp <- Mem[addr] Mem[addr] <- reg reg <- temp If XCHG is atomic, we can implement acquire. acquire(l): do: r <- 1 XCHG r, l while r==1 How does hardware make XCHG atomic? [ Recent x86 processors, simplified. ] There's a controller responsible for managing access to memory. Can partition the overall system memory across multiple controllers. Requirement: each memory location is the responsibility of one controller. To perform an atomic operation, a CPU must obtain permission from controller. Controller ensures only one processor has permission at a time. Processors request permission by sending messages to controller. What if two messages arrive simultaneously at the controller on two links? Message router services incoming messages sequentially. One CPU will lose, and will have to retry. ## Aside: in the case of two CPUs, hardware support is not strictly necessary. ## Check out Dekker's algorithm (e.g., Wikipedia). But in practice it's too ## slow and too limited. [ slide: summary ]