If you need a PDF version of Quiz 1, it is here.

Course Calendar

We will release the Spring 2020 assignments as the semester progresses. The contents of this calendar for days more than two weeks in the future may be missing or inaccurate.

All content on this website is subject to change prior to the start of the semester.

MondayTuesday WednesdayThursday Friday
jan 27 jan 28 jan 29 jan 30 jan 31

Reg day
feb 3
LEC 1: Enforced Modularity via Client/server Organization (slides)

Reading: Book sections 1.1-1.5, and 4.1-4.3

First day of classes
feb 4
REC 1: We Did Nothing Wrong
feb 5
LEC 2: Naming (slides)

Reading: Book sections 2.2, and 3.1
Assigned: Hands-on DNS
feb 6
feb 7
TUT 1: Intro to 6.033 Communication

Assigned: System critique #1
feb 10
LEC 3: Virtual memory (slides)

Reading: Book sections 5.1, 5.3, and 5.4
feb 11

DUE: Hands-on DNS
Assigned: Hands-on UNIX
feb 12
LEC 4: Bounded buffers and locks (slides)

Reading: Book section 5.2
feb 13
feb 14
TUT 2: Consensus and Critique
feb 17
President's day
feb 18
LEC 5: Threads (slides)

Reading: Book sections 5.5 and 5.6
DUE: Hands-on UNIX
feb 19
LEC 6: OS structure, Virtual Machines (slides)

Reading: Book section 5.8
feb 20
REC 5: Eraser
feb 21
TUT 3: DP discussion

DUE: System critique #1
Assigned: DP preliminary report
feb 24
LEC 7: Performance (slides)

Reading: Book sections 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3.4
feb 25
REC 6: MapReduce

DUE: Send team list to TA
Assigned: Hands-on MapReduce
feb 26
LEC 8: Intro to networking (slides)

Reading: Book section 7.2 (book chapters 7-11 are online)
feb 27
REC 7: Ethernet
feb 28
TUT 4: Writing the Critiques & Intro to Collaboration

Assigned: System critique #2
mar 2
LEC 9: Routing (slides)

Reading: Chapters 17-18 of the 6.02 notes
mar 3
REC 8: The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols

DUE: Hands-on MapReduce
Assigned: Hands-on Traceroute
mar 4
LEC 10: BGP (slides)

Reading: BGP tutorial through Section 3.2
mar 5
REC 9: 4D
mar 6
TUT 5: Collaboration & Figures

mar 9
LEC 11: Transport layer (slides, video)

Reading: Chapter 19 of the 6.02 notes

Note that the 6.02 reading uses slightly different ACKs
mar 10
REC 10: DCTCP (Supplement)
mar 11
LEC 12: In-network resource management
mar 12
REC 11: End-to-end arguments in system design (Supplement)
mar 13
TUT 6: Canceled
mar 16
LEC 13: Canceled
mar 17
REC 12: Canceled
mar 18
LEC 14: Canceled
mar 19
REC 13: Canceled
mar 20
mar 23
Spring break
mar 24
Spring break
mar 25
Spring break
mar 26
Spring break
mar 27
Spring break
mar 30
LEC 15, 16: Reliability and Transactions
REC 14: Distributed Storage
TUT 7: Remote Collaboration

DUE: System critique #2
DUE: Hands-on Traceroute
mar 31 apr 1 apr 2 apr 3
DUE: DP preliminary report

Note that the DP page includes updated DPPR resources as of 3/25, in response to a tumultuous few weeks
apr 6
LEC 17: Atomicity via Logging
TUT 8: DP Presentation
apr 7
Assigned: Hands-on Logging
apr 8 apr 9
Quiz 1 will be released at noon on this day, and due at noon on 4/10.
apr 10
Assigned: DP Presentation
apr 13
Lec 18, 19: Isolation and Distributed Transactions
REC 16: Consistency Guarantees
TUT 9: No tutorial videochats, schedule your presentation rehearsal with your instructor
apr 14
DUE: Hands-on Logging
Assigned: Hands-on DB
apr 15 apr 16 apr 17
apr 20
Patriots day
apr 21
Lec 20: Availability via Replication
Rec 17: Raft
TUT 10: Analysis and Evaluation

DUE: Hands-on DB


DP Presentations should be scheduled between 4/21 and 4/24
apr 22 apr 23 apr 24
Assigned: DP Report
apr 27
LEC 21, 22: Authentication and Passwords; Secure Channels
Rec 18: DNSSEC
TUT 11: Final DP Report

WRAP instructors will be holding office hours this week and next for help with the design report.
apr 28 apr 29 apr 30 may 1
may 4
LEC 23, 24: Low-level Attacks; Network security and DDoS attacks
Rec: 19: Meltdown
may 5 may 6 may 7 may 8
DUE: DP Report
may 11
LEC 25: Wrap-up
Rec 20: Ethics
may 12

Last day of classes
may 13 may 14 may 15

Final exams
may 18
Quiz 2 will be released at 1:30pm EDT on this day. It is a three-hour timed quiz that will be available for 24 hours on Gradescope.

Final exams
may 19

Final exams
may 20

Final exams
may 21 may 22