For this recitation, you'll be reading Meltdown. Meltdown, along with Spectre, is a security vulnerability that was discovered in 2018 that affects all modern Intel processors.

To help as you read:

As you read, think about the following:

Reflection Questions

Below are three questions for you to reflect on as you read the paper. You will post your reflection, or respond to another student's reflection, on your Teaching Team Piazzas. You do not need to email responses to these questions to your TA. As a reminder:

Now, for the questions themselves. There are many possibile answers for each. We're expecting you to thoughtfully consider these questions, not come up with the single "best" answer. Your answers to these questions should be in your own words, not direct quotations from the paper.

  1. Footnote 10, along with the end of Section 1, reference responsible disclosure practices. What ethical responsibility do you think researchers in this area of computer security have? How should they disseminate knowledge about new attacks?
  2. Meltdown was a big deal when it was discovered. Why do you think that was? Does this change your assumptions about the security of your devices? How big of a concern are attacks such as Meltdown (and Spectre, which is also mentioned in the paper) compared to other security issues?
  3. This paper describes the details of one rather specific attack. What higher-level lessons about security did you take away from it?