Nicolai Zeldovich high-level ideas for today: attacks on network protocols principles for building secure protocols secure comm. channel abstraction; encryption and MAC authorization: lists vs tickets how to put it all together (security in HTTP) Protocol Security ================= SLIDE: reminder of Denning-Sacco protocol --- board 1 --- protocol-level attacks impersonation: passwords are particularly bad [if used on multiple sites] replay reflection SLIDE: reminder of how Denning-Sacco is broken SLIDE: how to fix Denning-Sacco protocol goals [right side of the board] appropriateness [explicitness?] explicit context, name principals forward secrecy [compromised keys do not reveal past communication] session keys, version numbers freshness [distinguish old and new messages] [later:] timestamp, nonce --- board 2 --- replay attack example: C -> S: "Buy 100 shares of GOOG", HMAC(m, pw) attacker retransmits the message many times! what's the fix? include a nonce, sequence number, timestamp, .. --- board 3 --- reflection attack example suppose Alice and Bob share a secret (e.g. password) want to ensure that the other party is present / alive shared key K between A & B A -> B: ENCRYPT(Na, K) B -> A: Na B -> A: ENCRYPT(Nb, K) A -> B: Nb attack: Lucifer pretends to be Alice, whereas Alice is really disconnected Bob asks Lucifer to decrypt challenge using their shared key Lucifer doesn't have the key, but can ask Bob to prove himself to Alice Bob will decrypt his own challenge and send it to Lucifer! --- board 4 --- hard to reason about all these individual things when building a system these building blocks are too low-level common solution: abstraction of a secure communication channel C <===> S provides either confidentiality & authentication, or just authentication + long-lived comm - short-lived sessions, many nodes - offline messages, outside the model [e.g. confidentiality-only] for -: have to use the lower-level abstractions we've been talking about plan: use some protocol like denning-sacco to establish session key or two keys, one for encryption, one for MACs use session key for symmetric crypto for secure comm channel need to include sequence numbers in messages to avoid replay, splicing example: SSL/TLS in browsers SLIDE: overview of SSL/TLS from wikipedia [[ encryption attacks: ciphertext-only known-plaintext chosen-plaintext chosen-ciphertext ]] SLIDE: just for fun, watch what's happening on the wireless network explain what tcpdump does SLIDE: explain what we get out of it: packet headers, etc SLIDE: gmail not encrypted SLIDE: facebook not encrypted; plaintext why don't people use SSL everywhere? they probably should some technical reasons: performance bandwidth, CPU to encrypt messages is negligible now but SSL requires handshake: 2 more RTTs --- board 5 --- secure comm channel =/= security lots of trust assumptions underlying security of comm channel claim: you're sending/receiving data to/from a particular entity who is the entity? someone that a CA verified as being that entity show's certificate who are all of the CAs? show list of all CAs in a browser? Edit -> Prefs -> Security -> List Certificates where do these CAs come from? comes with browser from Mozilla or MS what can go wrong? maybe my trust in the name is misplaced (confusing name? maybe CA failed to properly verify the name? maybe one of the CAs was compromised? maybe one of the CA's keys was disclosed, stolen, guessed? your laptop was compromised, someone added an extra trusted CA root? alternatively, just modified your browser to do arbitrary things higher-level problems credentials leaked incorrect access control --- board 6 --- authorization lifetime of authorization: 1. authorization 2. mediation 3. revocation revocation --\ authorize -\ | V V client -> guard -> server -> object guard checks whether request should be allowed --- board 7 --- how does this guard work? logically, an access matrix F1 F2 F3 A R R RW B RW RW -- C -- RW R principals on one axis -- need authentication objects on another axis -- guard needs to understand what's going on entries are allowed operations where does this matrix get stored? [right side of board] lists (ACLs in Unix, AFS): store column with the object authentication: figure out who the user is authorization: add user to ACL mediation: look up that user's entry in the object's column tickets (Java ptr, some URL, some cookies, Kerberos, certs): user stores row must ensure the user can't tamper with his own row! authorization: out of scope -- however the user got the ticket (eg. pw) mediation: look up current object in the user's supplied row --- board 8 --- advantage: ticket model allows delegating privileges easily advantage: decouples authorization check from authentication check can change the two parts of the system separately disadvantage: need to get ticket first disadvantage: revocation is difficult plan A: chase down every ticket with each user plan B: invalidate all outstanding tickets, require users that are still authorized to get new tickets --- board 9 --- good ways to generate ticket? HMAC is easy [ resource/rights, gen#/timeout?, ... ], HMAC'ed with server key gen# supports revocation timeout similarly helps control ticket distribution [Kerberos] so let's see how this would work in practice ticket to access directory /mit/6.01 expires 11/11/2009 ticket = { /mit/6.01, 11/11/2009, MAC(/mit/6.01 + 11/11/2009) } ticket = { /mit/6.011, 1/11/2009, MAC(/mit/6.011 + 1/11/2009) } CRUCIAL: ensure all signed messages are unambiguously marshalled! capabilities = naming + tickets combine names and tickets together can't talk about an object without also talking about the rights to it would have avoided the symlink attack file descriptors in Unix are sort-of like this managing this matrix can be hard (either rows or columns) common simplification: roles or groups --- board 10 --- how are all these components put together? example: web browser/server interaction secure comm channel: SSL client (browser) authenticates the server's name server authenticates client's certificate (MIT personal certificates) otherwise server gets a connection to someone that hasn't authenticated yet message sequence server: identify yourself \ client: username, password > SSL (usually) server: here's a cookie (ticket) / client: request 1 and cookie (ticket) client: request 2 and cookie (ticket) ... SLIDE: plaintext cookies: enough to log into google calendar SLIDE: plaintext cookies 2: list of other sites often these cookies are valid even after you change your password! because it's just a signed ticket stating your username good idea: include pw gen# in cookie/ticket tickets and ACLs not as different as they sound tickets often issued based on underlying ACLs ACLs often used to decide higher-level ops based on lower-level tickets e.g. server certificate = ticket for server's principal but other checks apply to server's name client cert/cookie = ticket for that user's client privileges but other checks apply to client's name