#!/usr/bin/env python3 # MIT 6.034 Lab 1: Rule-Based Systems import xmlrpc.client import traceback import sys import os import tarfile from io import BytesIO python_version = sys.version_info is_windows = sys.platform in ["win32", "cygwin"] if python_version.major != 3: raise Exception("Illegal version of Python for 6.034 lab. Detected Python " + "version is: " + str(sys.version)) if python_version.minor == 5 and python_version.micro <= 1: raise Exception("Illegal version of Python; versions 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 are disallowed " + "due to bugs in their XMLRPC libraries. Detected version is: " + str(sys.version)) def test_summary(dispindex, ntests): return "Test %d/%d" % (dispindex, ntests) def show_result(testsummary, testcode, correct, got, expected, verbosity): """ Pretty-print test results """ if correct: if verbosity > 0: print("%s: Correct." % testsummary) if verbosity > 1: print_testcode(testcode) print() else: print("%s: Incorrect." % testsummary) print_testcode(testcode) print("Got: ", got, "\n") print("Expected:", expected, "\n") def print_testcode(testcode): if isinstance(testcode, (tuple, list)) and len(testcode) >= 3: print('\t', testcode[2]) else: print('\t', testcode) def show_exception(testsummary, testcode): """ Pretty-print exceptions (including tracebacks) """ print("%s: Error." % testsummary) print("While running the following test case:") print_testcode(testcode) print("Your code encountered the following error:") traceback.print_exc() print() def get_lab_module(): # Try the easy way first try: from tests import lab_number except ImportError: lab_number = None if lab_number != None: lab = __import__('lab%s' % lab_number) lab.LAB_NUMBER = lab_number return lab lab = None for labnum in range(10): try: lab = __import__('lab%s' % labnum) except ImportError: pass if lab == None: raise ImportError("Cannot find your lab; or, error importing it. Try loading it by running 'python labN.py' (for the appropriate value of 'N').") if not hasattr(lab, "LAB_NUMBER"): lab.LAB_NUMBER = labnum return lab def type_decode(arg, lab): """ XMLRPC can only pass a very limited collection of types. Frequently, we want to pass a subclass of 'list' in as a test argument. We do that by converting the sub-type into a regular list of the form: [ 'TYPE', (data) ] (ie., AND(['x','y','z']) becomes ['AND','x','y','z']). This function assumes that TYPE is a valid attr of 'lab' and that TYPE's constructor takes a list as an argument; it uses that to reconstruct the original data type. """ if isinstance(arg, list) and len(arg) >= 1: # We'll leave tuples reserved for some other future magic try: mytype = arg[0] data = arg[1:] return getattr(lab, mytype)([ type_decode(x, lab) for x in data ]) except AttributeError: return [ type_decode(x, lab) for x in arg ] except TypeError: return [ type_decode(x, lab) for x in arg ] else: return arg def type_encode(arg): "Encode objects as lists in a way that can be decoded by 'type_decode'" if isinstance(arg, list): return [ arg.__class__.__name__ ] + [ type_encode(x) for x in arg ] elif hasattr(arg, '__class__') and arg.__class__.__name__ == 'IF': return [ 'IF', type_encode(arg._conditional), type_encode(arg._action), type_encode(arg._delete_clause) ] else: return arg def run_test(test, lab): """ Takes a 'test' tuple as provided by the online tester (or generated by the offline tester) and executes that test, returning whatever output is expected (the variable that's being queried, the output of the function being called, etc) 'lab' (the argument) is the module containing the lab code. 'test' tuples are in the following format: 'id': A unique integer identifying the test 'type': One of 'VALUE', 'FUNCTION', 'MULTIFUNCTION', or 'FUNCTION_ENCODED_ARGS' 'attr_name': The name of the attribute in the 'lab' module 'args': a list of the arguments to be passed to the function; [] if no args. For 'MULTIFUNCTION's, a list of lists of arguments to be passed in """ id, mytype, attr_name, args = test attr = getattr(lab, attr_name) if mytype == 'VALUE': return attr elif mytype == 'FUNCTION': return attr(*args) elif mytype == 'MULTIFUNCTION': return [ run_test( (id, 'FUNCTION', attr_name, FN), lab) for FN in type_decode(args, lab) ] elif mytype == 'FUNCTION_ENCODED_ARGS': return run_test( (id, 'FUNCTION', attr_name, type_decode(args, lab)), lab ) else: raise Exception("Test Error: Unknown TYPE: " + str(mytype) + ". Please make sure you have downloaded the latest" + "version of the tester script. If you continue to " + "see this error, contact a TA.") def test_offline(verbosity=1): """ Run the unit tests in 'tests.py' """ import tests as tests_module tests = tests_module.get_tests() ntests = len(tests) ncorrect = 0 for index, (testname, getargs, testanswer, expected, fn_name, type) in enumerate(tests): dispindex = index+1 summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests) try: if callable(getargs): getargs = getargs() answer = run_test((index, type, fn_name, getargs), get_lab_module()) except NotImplementedError: print("%d: (%s: Function not yet implemented, NotImplementedError raised)" % (dispindex, testname)) continue except Exception: show_exception(summary, testname) continue # This prevents testanswer from throwing errors. eg, if return type is # incorrect, testanswer returns False instead of raising an exception. try: correct = testanswer(answer) except NotImplementedError: print("%d: (%s: No answer given, NotImplementedError raised)" % (dispindex, testname)) continue except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # Allow user to interrupt tester raise except Exception: correct = False show_result(summary, testname, correct, answer, expected, verbosity) if correct: ncorrect += 1 print("Passed %d of %d tests." % (ncorrect, ntests)) return ncorrect == ntests def get_target_upload_filedir(): """ Get, via user prompting, the directory containing the current lab """ cwd = os.getcwd() # Get current directory. Play nice with Unicode pathnames, just in case. print("Please specify the directory containing your lab,") print("or press Enter to use the default directory.") print("Note that all files from this directory will be uploaded!") print("Labs should not contain large amounts of data; very large") print("files will fail to upload.") print() print("The default directory is '%s'" % cwd) target_dir = input("[%s] >>> " % cwd) target_dir = target_dir.strip() if target_dir == '': target_dir = cwd print("Ok, using '%s'." % target_dir) return target_dir def get_tarball_data(target_dir, filename): """ Return a binary String containing the binary data for a tarball of the specified directory """ print("Preparing the lab directory for transmission...") data = BytesIO() tar = tarfile.open(filename, "w|bz2", data) top_folder_name = os.path.split(target_dir)[1] def tar_filter(filename): """Returns True if we should tar the file. Avoid uploading .pyc files or the .git subdirectory (if any)""" if filename in [".git",".DS_Store","__pycache__"]: return False if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == ".pyc": return False return True def add_dir(currentDir, t_verbose=False): for currentFile in os.listdir(currentDir): fullPath=os.path.join(currentDir,currentFile) if t_verbose: print(currentFile, end=' ') if tar_filter(currentFile): if t_verbose: print("") tar.add(fullPath,arcname=fullPath.replace(target_dir, top_folder_name,1),recursive=False) if os.path.isdir(fullPath): add_dir(fullPath) elif t_verbose: print("....skipped") add_dir(target_dir) print("Done.") print() print("The following files will be uploaded:") for f in tar.getmembers(): print(" - {}".format(f.name)) tar.close() return data.getvalue() def test_online(verbosity=1): """ Run online unit tests. Run them against the 6.034 server via XMLRPC. """ lab = get_lab_module() try: sys.path.append('..') from key import USERNAME as username, PASSWORD as password, XMLRPC_URL as server_url except ImportError: print("Error: Can't find your 'key.py' file! Please go download one from") print(" ") print("and put it into either your lab's directory, or its parent directory.") sys.exit(1) try: server = xmlrpc.client.Server(server_url, allow_none=True) tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__) except NotImplementedError: # Solaris Athena doesn't seem to support HTTPS print("Your version of Python doesn't seem to support HTTPS, for") print("secure test submission. Would you like to downgrade to HTTP?") print("(note that this could theoretically allow a hacker with access") print("to your local network to find your 6.034 password)") answer = input("(Y/n) >>> ") if len(answer) == 0 or answer[0] in "Yy": server = xmlrpc.client.Server(server_url.replace("https", "http")) tests = server.get_tests(username, password, lab.__name__) else: print("Ok, not running your tests.") print("Please try again on another computer.") print("Linux Athena computers are known to support HTTPS,") print("if you use the version of Python in the 'python' locker.") sys.exit(0) except xmlrpc.client.Fault: print("\nError: Either your key.py file is out of date, or online ") print("tests for " + lab.__name__ + " are not currently available.") print("If you believe this may be a mistake, please contact a TA.\n") sys.exit(0) # If something is wrong with server, the return value here will be a string if isinstance(tests, str): msg = tests if len(msg) > 0: print("\nError: The server has rejected your connection request with the following message:") print("> " + tests) else: print("\nError: The server has rejected your connection request for an unknown reason.") print("If you believe this may be a mistake, please contact a TA.") return ntests = len(tests) ncorrect = 0 lab = get_lab_module() target_dir = get_target_upload_filedir() tarball_data = get_tarball_data(target_dir, "lab%s.tar.bz2" % lab.LAB_NUMBER) print("Submitting to the 6.034 Webserver...") server.submit_code(username, password, lab.__name__, xmlrpc.client.Binary(tarball_data)) print("Done submitting code.") print("Running test cases...") for index, testcode in enumerate(tests): dispindex = index+1 summary = test_summary(dispindex, ntests) try: answer = run_test(testcode, get_lab_module()) except Exception: show_exception(summary, testcode) continue correct, expected = server.send_answer(username, password, lab.__name__, testcode[0], type_encode(answer)) show_result(summary, testcode, correct, answer, expected, verbosity) if correct: ncorrect += 1 response = server.status(username, password, lab.__name__) print(response) def make_test_counter_decorator(): tests = [] def make_test(getargs, testanswer, expected_val, name = None, type = 'FUNCTION'): if name != None: getargs_name = name elif not callable(getargs): getargs_name = "_".join(getargs[:-8].split('_')[:-1]) getargs = lambda: getargs else: getargs_name = "_".join(getargs.__name__[:-8].split('_')[:-1]) tests.append( ( getargs_name, getargs, testanswer, expected_val, getargs_name, type ) ) def get_tests(): return tests return make_test, get_tests make_test, get_tests = make_test_counter_decorator() if __name__ == '__main__': if 'submit' in sys.argv: test_online() elif test_offline(): if "IDLE" in sys.executable: print("Submitting and testing online...") test_online() else: print("Local tests passed! Run 'python3 %s submit' to submit your code and have it graded." % sys.argv[0])