6.102 — Software Construction
Spring 2024

6.101 Fall 2023: Recursion


In some sense, this week’s reading represents a slight shift of focus as we move on to a new topic. The ideas we’ve been talking about so far won’t go away, of course, but we will have a different central focus for the next few weeks: recursion.

We expect that recursion is something that everyone should have seen in the prerequisite for this course, but recursion can feel somewhat weird and uncomfortable until you build up some experience of using it and some understanding of how it works. So, we’re going to spend a fair amount of time over the next couple of weeks with that goal in mind: developing facility and comfort with, and a deeper understanding of, recursion. As usual, we’ll come at this from a couple of different perspectives – we’ll certainly look at how we can use recursion in our own programs, but we’ll also focus on how recursion works behind the scenes (in terms of our environment model), as well as talking about how we can go about deciding whether a recursive solution is appropriate for a given problem (or whether some other approach might be better).

And don’t worry if recursion feels strange or uncomfortable; that’s a natural first reaction, and, with time and practice (which we’re aiming to provide over the course of the next several readings, recitations, and labs), this idea will stop being quite so scary and start being a really powerful tool that we can use in our own programs.


Before we can get too far into talking about using recursion, it’s worth briefly talking about what recursion is. Generally speaking, recursion occurs when something is defined in terms of itself.

Although our focus will be on recursion from a programming perspective, recursion can also appear in other contexts. Here is an example from mathematics, a definition of the factorial operation. For nonnegative integer




















In general, a recursive definition will have multiple pieces:

  • one or more base cases (terminating scenarios that do not need recursion to produce answers), and
  • one or more recursive cases (sets of rules that reduce all other cases toward base cases)

In our example above, the case where




is a base case. We don’t need recursion to find the answer there, since





by definition.

The other case is our recursive case. We can see the recursion here – the definition of



depends on the definition of






. So the definition of factorial depends on the definition of factorial.

Let’s see how this evolves in a mathematical context, before using it in programming. Suppose we want to determine



using the definition above. We can plug things into that definition and use something like the following sequence of steps to arrive at an answer, repeatedly applying the definition of factorial until we reach a base case:















































In this example, we can also see the important property that the recursive case reduces us down toward a base case, in the sense that, for any value


we want to compute the factorial of, the






is applying the factorial definition to a value that is closer to our base case of




. In this way, we can rest assured that, for any nonnegative integer


, this process will eventually reach a base case, at which point we can find our overall answer.


It turns out that Python lets us define functions recursively (i.e., we can define functions in terms of themselves). As an example, here is a Python implementation of the definition of factorial from above (note that it is almost an exact translation):

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n-1)

We could try to write this more concisely, but this is a nice form to demonstrate how this definition parallels the mathematical definition from above. There are some key things to notice here:

  • This is a recursive definition, since computing factorial depends on the definition of factorial (i.e., the function calls itself in the process of computing its result in some cases).

  • We have one base case. When n == 0, we can compute the result without any recursion.

  • We have one recursive case, which reduces down toward a base case.

Before we move on to the details of how this works in Python, it’s worth mentioning again that, depending on the extent of your prior exposure to these ideas, it may feel uncomfortable writing a function like this. And a big part of the weirdness here is that , as we’re writing factorial, we’re using factorial as part of the body, despite the fact that we’ve not finished writing factorial yet! But, the right strategy is to write your recursive case(s) under the assumption that you have a complete, working version of the function, and to think about, under those conditions, how would I take the result from that recursive call and combine it with other things to produce the result I’m interested in? And we don’t need to have blind faith here; if we’ve designed things such that we have our base cases set up, and such that our recursive calls are working down toward one of those bases cases, then things will work out for us.

Another source of weirdness here is that, in the process of evaluating some call to factorial, I’m going to need to call factorial again and maybe many times; and each of these calls has its own value of n. So, how can we be sure that Python is going to keep those things separate and not get confused?

Recursion in the Wild

To reinforce the idea that some problems are naturally recursive, let’s look at a quick example from a very practical program: CAT-SOOP, the software that is running the website you’re looking at right now. CAT-SOOP is written in Python. One of its tasks is to store information about submissions that are made and other events that happen while you are using it, so it has a notion of a log that records information on disk about those events.

We don’t want to get too much into the details about how CAT-SOOP does logging, but here is one part of the system that is particularly relevant to our discussion: a function that tests whether some arbitrary Python value can be stored in the log or not.

def can_log(x):
    Checks whether a given value can be a log entry.
    Valid log entries are strings, ints, floats, complex numbers, None, or Booleans;
    _or_ lists, tuples, sets, frozensets, dicts, or OrderedDicts containing only valid log entries.

Look at the docstring of this function: it gives us a nice description of which values can be valid log entries. What about this description suggests that recursion might be the best way to implement this function?

The docstring defines what a “valid log entry” is in a way that depends on the definition of a valid log entry!

Valid log entries are strings, ints, floats, etc. or lists, tuples, sets, etc. containing only valid log entries.

Definitions like this are extremely common in programming, data representation, and software systems in general.

How would we implement this recursively? First notice that the definition has a base case:

    if isinstance(x, (str, bytes, int, float, complex, NoneType, bool)):
        return True

If x is one of these types, then we’re done, we don’t need to do any further recursion at all.

But, then, we’ve also got these recursive cases: if x is one of the collection types, like list, tuple, or set, then

    elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
        return all(can_log(v) for v in x)

Notice that the recursive call to can_log is applied to every element of the collection. (The built-in function all tests whether every element of an iterable is true, so it effectively ands together the results of all those recursive calls.) Most importantly, although those elements of the collection could be simple strings or ints (base cases), they could also be lists or sets or other collections themselves, thus needing still further recursion. The recursive implementation automatically takes care of that, no matter how complex the nesting gets.

We also need to handle dictionaries, which need two recursive calls for each (key,value) pair:

    elif isinstance(x, (dict, OrderedDict)):
        return all((can_log(k) and can_log(v)) for k,v in x.items())

And, finally, there’s a second base case, which is if x does not have any of the types we checked for, then it’s not a valid log entry, so we need to return False. Here’s the full function:

def can_log(x):
    Checks whether a given value can be a log entry.
    Valid log entries are strings/bytestrings, ints, floats, complex numbers,
    None, or Booleans; _or_ lists, tuples, sets, frozensets, dicts, or
    OrderedDicts containing only valid log entries.
    if isinstance(x, (str, bytes, int, float, complex, NoneType, bool)):
        return True
    elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
        return all(can_log(v) for v in x)
    elif isinstance(x, (dict, OrderedDict)):
        return all((can_log(k) and can_log(v)) for k,v in x.items())
    return False

The details of this function don’t matter as much as the big picture: this is a practical problem in which the structure of the problem was such that a recursive solution really jumps out as the simplest and most appropriate way to do it.

Summing a List

Let’s dig into another example: summing a list of numbers:

def sum_list(x):
    Compute the sum of a list of numbers, recursively.

We could use the builtin function sum() to do this, of course, or we could write an iterative solution, which is what sum() is doing anyway:

def sum_list(x):
    out = 0
    for num in x:
        out += num
    return out

We’ll talk more about the tradeoffs between iteration and recursion in the next reading. For now, though, let’s try to do everything recursively. Intuition from these simple examples will help for more complicated situations where a builtin function doesn’t exist or where an iterative solution is not the best way to do it.

First, let’s think about what our base case(s) might look like. For what inputs to sum_list can we return the answer right away, without any work?

Here’s one possibility: if the list has only one element in it, then we don’t have to do any addition. We can just return that element:

if len(x) == 1:
    return x[0]

This is not the only base case we might use, and maybe it’s not even the best choice, but let’s try it for now.

Given that, what could we use as a recursive case?

How about this:

    return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

This corresponds to the mathematical expression





























which is indeed true for





So now our whole function looks like:

def sum_list(x):
    if len(x) == 1:
        return x[0]
        return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

Aside: Doctest

We’re not done with sum_list yet, but let’s take a moment to write some tests and see another useful Python tool that may not be familiar to you. There’s a module built into Python called doctest, which lets us embed simple test cases inside the docstring of a function. The tests are formatted as if they were typed in the Python prompt, using >>> to indicate what should be typed, followed by what the expected output should be:

def sum_list(x):
    Compute the sum of a list of numbers, recursively.

    >>> sum_list([1,2,3,4,5])
    if len(x) == 1:
        return x[0]
        return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

This is already helpful because it gives examples of using the function to a human reading the docstring. But, doctest goes a step further by automatically extracting these test cases and running them as automatic tests. If you call doctest.testmod(), e.g., in the main block of your file, then it will run all the docstring tests it can find in that file:

... # definition of sum_list

import doctest
if __name__ == '__main__':

Now, running the whole file will invoke all the docstring tests, and we’ll see that it passed:

$ python sum_list.py
1 passed and 0 failed.
Test passed.

It’s a good idea to include verbose=True as a parameter to testmod() – otherwise, when all the tests pass, as in this case, doctest will simply succeed silently.

We can put as many doctests as we want into a docstring, so let’s add another, which looks at what happens when we sum an empty list:

def sum_list(x):
    Compute the sum of a list of numbers, recursively.

    >>> sum_list([1,2,3,4,5])
    >>> sum_list([])
    if len(x) == 1:
        return x[0]
        return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

Oops! We have a failure. Can you see why it’s going wrong? We’ll see how to fix it in the next section.

One big caveat about doctest: it works by checking printed output, not by using == to compare the expected value with the actual value (which is what we do with assert in other kinds of tests we write). This has two unfortunate effects:

  • if you put any print statements into your code to debug it, those prints will cause doctests to fail, because the docstring won’t mention them as expected output. You have to remove or comment out all your debugging prints in order for the test to pass again.
  • if there is any harmless variation in the output – for example, the order in which a set or dictionary is printed – then the test will fail, even if the set or dictionary is actually correct. We’ll see one way to deal with this problem below.

That said, the convenience and understandability of having executable test cases right in a function’s documentation can be a big win.

Getting the Base Cases Right

Let’s add a base case to deal with the empty list:

def sum_list(x):
    if len(x) == 0:
        return 0
    elif len(x) == 1:
        return x[0]
        return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

Now the code works, but, if we reflect on it a little more, do we need both of these base cases? No! Now that we handle the length-0 list correctly, the length-1 base case is redundant with the recursive case. To see this more clearly, we can imagine having base cases for length-2, length-3, and so forth:

def sum_list(x):
    if len(x) == 0:
        return 0
    elif len(x) == 1:
        return x[0]
    elif len(x) == 2:
        return x[0] + x[1]
    elif len(x) == 3:
        return x[0] + x[1] + x[1]
        return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

This code is not DRY (that is, it doesn’t follow the principle of “don’t repeat yourself”). The more redundant base cases you have, the more places there are for bugs to hide. (In fact, there is a bug hiding in this example – can you see it?)

So, let’s simplify to the fewest base cases and recursive cases we can manage with. We’ll also write the empty-list test slightly more pythonically, since empty lists are falsy:

def sum_list(x):
    if not x:
        return 0
        return x[0] + sum_list(x[1:])

Summing a Nested List

Now let’s think about a slightly different problem, summing lists of numbers where numbers may be inside sublists, down to an arbitrary depth:

def sum_nested(x):
    >>> sum_nested([[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]], [[[[[6]]]]]])

The fact that the sublists can go down to arbitrary depth makes this problem feel hard. Fortunately, the empty list is still our base case:

if not x:
    return 0

But what about the recursive case? Adapting the recursive case from sum_list, which peels off the first element and then adds it to the recursive sum of the remaining elements, doesn’t work here:

return x[0] + sum_nested(x[1:])

The reason it doesn’t work is that the first element x[0] is not just a number; it might be a list. If it’s a list, we need to do something different, to turn the sublist x[0] into a number that we can add to the number coming from sum_nested(x[1:]).

So, let’s try distinguishing those two cases with another if test:

if isinstance(x[0], list):
    return SOMETHING + sum_nested(x[1:])
    return x[0] + sum_nested(x[1:])

Now, we have two recursive cases: one used when the first element is a list and another when the first element is just a number. That second case we can handle just as before. But, what should SOMETHING be, when x[0] is a sublist? We might try digging out elements of that sublist:

if isinstance(x[0], list):
    return x[0][0] + sum_nested(x[1:])

But this won’t be right if the sublist has more than one element (or less than 1 element!) We might fall back to iteration:

if isinstance(x[0], list):
    subtotal = 0
    for x in x[0]:
        subtotal += x
    return subtotal + sum_nested(x[1:])

But we’re trying to solve this recursively, and worse, this doesn’t work either! Is x guaranteed to be a number here? No, it could itself be another sublist. x[0] could have sublists in it down to an arbitrary depth!

Let’s take a step back. We already have a way to sum up x[0] if it’s an arbitrarily deep list of lists. That way is sum_nested itself! We just have to lean in and trust the recursion:

if isinstance(x[0], list):
    return sum_nested(x[0]) + sum_nested(x[1:])

Again, this may seem magical. We are now using sum_nested twice in the same line! Why doesn’t this end up just calling itself endlessly and never returning? The key thing to observe is that every recursive call to sum_nested is using a list that is strictly smaller or simpler in some respect, heading towards some minimum represented by the base case. Here, we have peeled apart our original nested list into two pieces, x[0] and x[1:], each of which is smaller.

Here is the full code:

def sum_nested(x):
    >>> sum_nested([[1, 2], [3, [4, 5]], [[[[[6]]]]]])
    if not x:
        return 0
    elif isinstance(x[0], list):
        return sum_nested(x[0]) + sum_nested(x[1:])
        return x[0] + sum_nested(x[1:])

Choosing the Right Decomposition For a Problem

Finding the right way to decompose a problem into smaller steps is an essential part of programming, and recursion is an elegant and simple decomposition for some problems. Suppose we want to implement this function:

def subsequences(seq):
    Given a tuple or list or other iterable, returns a set of tuples
    consisting of all its subsequences.
    A subsequence is a sequence of elements from seq that are in the same
    order as in seq but not necessarily adjacent.

    >>> subsequences([4,2,3])
    {(4, 2, 3), (4, 2), (4, 3), (2, 3), (4,), (2,), (3,), ()}

Aside: Canonical Output For Doctest

Oops, before we work on implementing subsequences recursively, let’s fix a problem with these doctests. Doctest works by matching the actual printed output against what we wrote in the doctest, but a set can print in any order. All of the following would actually be the same set:

{(4,2,3), (4,2), (4,3), (2,3), (4,), (2,), (3,), ()}
{(4,), (4,2), (4,3), (4,2,3), (2,), (2,3), (3,), ()}
{(), (2,), (2,3), (3,), (4,), (4,2), (4,2,3), (4,3)}

… but only the first one would pass the doctest as we wrote it. So, let’s make a small change to improve the test by putting its output in a canonical form, in this case putting the tuples in sorted order. To do that, we’ll have to print a list instead of a set:

def subsequences(seq):
    >>> sorted(subsequences([4,2,3]))
    [(), (2,), (2, 3), (3,), (4,), (4, 2), (4, 2, 3), (4, 3)]

Note that tuples are sorted lexicographically, i.e., by comparing one element at a time and stopping as soon as an element is different or one tuple runs out of elements (in which case the shorter tuple wins).

This example shows that a doctest doesn’t have to be just a single call to the function – it can do some other work as well, in order to make the test more tolerant of harmless variation.

But, keep in mind that, even though our doctest converts the set into a sorted list for the sake of consistent printing, the subsequences function itself is still just working with sets.

One Way to Do Subsequences

The subsequences problem lends itself to an elegant recursive decomposition. Consider the first element of seq. We can form one set of subsequences that skip that element, and we can form another set of subsequences that include that element, using the subsequences of the remaining elements. Those two sets generate all possible subsequences for the original input:

def subsequences(seq):
    if not seq:
        # base case
        return {()}
        # recursive case
        first = seq[0]
        rest = seq[1:]
        result = set()
        for subseq in subsequences(rest):
            result.add((first,) + subseq)
        return result

We might try to write the computation of the result set in one line, like this:

result = ({(first,) + subseq for subseq in subsequences(rest)} | 
            {subseq for subseq in subsequences(rest)})
return result

Choosing the Right Recursive Subproblem

Let’s look at another example. Suppose we want to convert an integer to a string representation with a given base, following this spec:

def number_to_string(n, b):
    Given an integer n and base b (where 2 <= b <= 10),
    returns n represented as a string in base-b notation,
    without any unnecessary leading zeroes.

    >>> number_to_string(-829, 10)
    >>> number_to_string(5, 2)
    >>> number_to_string(0, 10)

Let’s develop a recursive implementation of this function. One recursive case here is straightforward – we can handle negative integers simply by recursively calling for the representation of the corresponding positive integer:

if n < 0:
    return "-" + number_to_string(-n, b)

This shows that the recursive subproblem can be smaller or simpler in more subtle ways than just the value of a numeric parameter or the size of a list parameter. We have still effectively reduced the problem by reducing it from all possible integers to just positive integers.

The next question is, given that we have a positive n, say n = 829 in base 10, how should we decompose it into a recursive subproblem? Thinking about the number as we would write it down on paper, we could either start with 8 (the leftmost or highest-order digit) or 9 (the rightmost or lowest-order digit). Starting at the left end seems natural, because that’s the direction we write, but it’s harder in this case because we would need to first find the number of digits in the number to figure out how to extract the leftmost digit. Instead, a better way to decompose n is to take its remainder modulo b (which gives the rightmost digit) and also divide by b (which gives the subproblem, the remaining higher-order digits):

digits = "0123456789"
return number_to_string(n // b, b) + digits[n % b]

In general, think about several ways to break down the problem and try to write the recursive cases. You want to find the one that produces the simplest, most natural recursive case.

It remains to figure out what the base case is and include an if statement that distinguishes the base case from this recursive case. Here is the function:

def number_to_string(n, b):
    Given an integer n and base b (where 2 <= b <= 10),
    returns n represented as a string in base-b notation.

    >>> number_to_string(-829, 10)
    >>> number_to_string(5, 2)
    >>> number_to_string(0, 10)
    digits = "0123456789"
    if n < 0:
        return "-" + number_to_string(-n, b)
    elif IS_BASE_CASE:
        return number_to_string(n // b, b) + digits[n % b]


We’ve looked at several functions here and showed how to write them recursively, sometimes in different ways. Along the way, we’ve seen that:

  • every recursive function needs one or more base cases and one or more recursive cases
  • the recursive cases should make the problem smaller or simpler in some way

We’ve focused closely on recursion in this reading, aiming to write every function recursively, even when there was an iterative approach that might have been just as natural. Next week’s reading will delve more deeply into the question of recursion vs. iteration, showing that they are interchangeable (every iterative algorithm can be made recursive, and vice versa) and discuss when it’s more natural to use one or the other.