function [] = convert_sample_rate(filepath, desired_sample_rate, desired_bps) % 6.111 11/21/2012 % Author: Dylan Sherry % % Usage: Given a wav file, the desired sample rate and bits per sample, % this script generates a new wav with a different sample rate and bps % % It would be faster to simply use ffmpeg but it's not installed on the lab boxes % IMPORTANT: this script may not work with versions older than R2012b (version 8.0) % To run R2012b in Athena: % add matlab; matlab -ver 8.0 % Inputs: % -filepath: the local path to (i.e. name of) the file. i.e., 'lion_11025Hz.wav' % -desired_sample_rate: desired frequency, default 44.1 kHz % -desired_bps: bits per sample, one of [8 16 32] (I think), default is 8 % (note on desired_bps: the soundDemo script takes care of setting the appropriate % bps for the coe file. This is just for the audio file.) % Usage: % convert_sample_rate('lion_11025Hz.wav') % Or if you wish to specify a desired freq other than 48 kHz: % convert_sample_rate('lion_11025Hz.wav', 44100.0) % You can also add a bitrate other than 8: % convert_sample_rate('lion_11025Hz.wav', 44100.0, 16) % ******************************** % handle user input if nargin == 0 fprintf('Error: must specify filepath as argument to convert_sample_rate\n'); return; end if nargin <= 2 desired_bps = 8; end if nargin <= 1 desired_sample_rate = 48000.0; end [file_dir, file_name, file_suffix] = fileparts(filepath); [input_data, sample_freq, bits_per_sample] = wavread(filepath); % display sample rate fprintf('Sample rate of %s is %f kHz with %i bits per sample.\n', filepath, sample_freq/1e3, bits_per_sample); if (sample_freq ~= desired_sample_rate) % resample fprintf('Resampling %s at %f kHz with %i bits per sample.\n', filepath, desired_sample_rate/1e3, desired_bps); input_data = resample(input_data, desired_sample_rate, sample_freq); % normalize by the largest sample -- the 1e-3 is so the new max sample is just under 1 in magnitude input_data = input_data / (max(max(input_data), -min(input_data)) + 1e-3); % write to new file newpath = fullfile(file_dir, [file_name, sprintf('_resampled_%.0fHz.wav',desired_sample_rate)]); wavwrite(input_data, desired_sample_rate, desired_bps, newpath); fprintf('Output saved at %s\n', newpath); else fprintf('%s is already at %f. No further action',filepath, desired_sample_rate); end fprintf('Done.\n'); end