`timescale 1ns / 1ps ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // lpset CRC test bench // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module crc_tf; // Inputs reg clock; reg start; reg data; // Outputs wire done; wire [15:0] r; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) lpset_crc uut ( .clock(clock), .start(start), .data(data), .done(done), .r(r) ); // this is the input data reg [47:0] input_data = 48'h03_01_02_03_30_3A; integer i; // required for "for" loop always #5 clock = !clock; initial begin // Initialize Inputs clock = 0; start = 0; data = 0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; // Add stimulus here start=1; #10 start = 0; for (i=0; i<48; i=i+1) begin data = input_data[47]; // at each clock, left shift the data // note syntax for test bench "for" loop - no "always" // note the blocking assignment (immediate) @(posedge clock) input_data = {input_data[46:0],1'b0}; end $stop; // Pause simulation end endmodule