(Air Sketcher)

Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory

Some Final Projects from Fall 1993 Term

Photos 6.111 Final Project Title Project Partners
Photo Tetris on the Green Building Rajan Murthy and Dan Corcoran
Photo Life: TNG Derrick Chen and Jimmy Hsu
Photo 1 Digital Answering Machine Charles Wong and Hoony Youn
Photo 2 Digital Answering Machine Charles Wong and Hoony Youn
Photo 1 AIRTAD: Automated Infrared Target Michael Oh and David Rahn
Acquisition and Destruction
Photo 2 AIRTAD: Automated Infrared Target Michael Oh and David Rahn
Acquisition and Destruction
Photo Digital Video Screensaver Victor Chin and Michelle Jen
Photo 1 A Projectile Trajectory Computer Owen Wessling and Joseph Boerjes
Photo 2 A Projectile Trajectory Computer Owen Wessling and Joseph Boerjes
Photo 1 A Single Phone Line Demultiplexor Surajit Sarkar and Sumit Basu
Photo 2 A Single Phone Line Demultiplexor Surajit Sarkar and Sumit Basu
Photo Air Sketcher Mika Nyström and Robert Miller
Photo 1 Chaos, Color and Tunes Rene X. Parra and Mark Uhrmacher
Photo 2 Chaos, Color and Tunes Rene X. Parra and Mark Uhrmacher
Photo 1 Recursive Picture Manipulation Li Lee and Natalya Cohen
Photo 2 Recursive Picture Manipulation Li Lee and Natalya Cohen

Project Title: Digital Answering Machine
Project Partners: Charles Wong and Hoony Youn

The purpose of this project is to implement a digital answering machine. This unit will have the capability to store 16s of incoming messages and have a 4s outgoing message. It will also have a time/date stamp.

Project Title: A Projectile Trajectory Computer
Project Partners: Owen Wessling and Joseph Boerjes

This project illustrates a design to build a simple computer to calculate a projectile trajectory given a video image. The calculated trajectory is fed to a projectile mechanism, which is aims accordingly and can fire a projectile at the target.

Project Title: Air Sketcher
Project Partners: Mika Nyström and Robert Miller

The air sketcher allows a user to draw on a computer screen by tracing lines in the air. The user holds a wand tipped by a bright light, which is detected by a TV camera and translated into a cursor position on the graphics display. The wand also offers controls to select color, line thickness, and other drawing functions, transmitting the selections to the graphics system via a cable. In our implementation, the graphics system supports four colors and two line thicknesses, and allows the user to draw smooth, connected lines by interpolating between pixel positions.

Project Title: Recursive Picture Manipulation
Project Partners: Li Lee and Natalya Cohen

Our working project manipulates images obtained with a video camera. Simple circuitry generates horizontal and vertical syncs for the TV screen, and converts the image data from analog to digital and back. The rest of the hardware performs various operations on the digitized data. Natalya's kit performs simple kinds of image processing: low and high pass filtering of the image, as well as a few kinds of edge enhancement. In addition, the image can be distorted vertically and/or horizontally, by stretching out some parts and shrinking others. Li's kit takes in the filtered and/or distorted data generated in the first stage, and allows for recursive manipulation of the data. One can rotate the image by multiples of 90 degrees, split it in half vertically or horizontally, and combine these operations to generate other more complicated patterns.

Project Title: TETRIS on the Green Building
Project Partners: Rajan Murthy and Dan Corcoran

Video games are amusement to all ages and are a subject of controversy in modern society. Controversies aside, their implementation provides a challenge to programmers and in 6.111, to digital designers. Our project was the construction of a Tetris game, with Raj Murthy constructing the data paths and Dan Corcoran the control structure. The game was output to an LED array which was arranged in the manner of the Green building. The game was fully functional upon completion of our project, and though it would occasionally glitch on the output screen, at the conclusion of a turn, the board would reset itself.

Project Title: Life: TNG
Project Partners: Derrick Chen and Jimmy Hsu

Despite being deceptively simple, the Game of Life developed by John Horton Conway has, since its invention in 1970, continued to fascinate mathematicians and computer science theorists alike. Conway's goal was to create a board "game" with simple rules that would exhibit complex behavior. The board itself is a large matrix composed of elements having only two possible values: on or off. Each element is regarded as a biological cell which evolves according to three simple rules. Although fascinating, Conway's Game of Life focuses primarily on the evolution of the cell population as a whole, rather than on the contributions of any one particular cell. To explore the value of individual cells, we expanded the Game of Life so that each cell possesses a trait which can be passed from generation to generation. To make the simulation visually appealing, we chose color as the trait and allowed for up to 32,768 variations in color.

Project Title: A Single Phone Line Demultiplexor
Project Partners: Surajit Sarkar and Sumit Basu

There are many residences with a single phone line in which multiple users share the same line. Such situations often lead to inconveniences such as all phones on the line ringing when a single phone could target a user. Our system provides a solution to this problem by allowing a caller to select a target user (or device) which he/she wishes to call. The system presents the caller with a voice menu of users and their associated numbers. He can make a selection by pressing the appropriate button on his keypad. The system will then ring the appropriate extension. If the extension is picked up the line will be connected, otherwise the caller will be transferred to a main answering machine. The system is comprised of a base module and a remote module for each phone (or device) on the line. The system is fully configurable for any number of extensions up to twelve. The user can record the voice menu and extension names, and configure which remote module is associated with each menu item. Users are also given the option of locking conversations so other line users cannot access the line.

Project Title: Digital Video Screensaver
Project Partners: Victor Chin and Michelle Jen

The Digital Video Screensaver takes video camera input and captures a frame. Once a frame is captured it blacks out the screen and displays up to four circles in which the captured frame is displayed. The circles bounce off the boundaries of the screen in a random fashion. Besides displaying up to four circles on the screen, the video screensaver allows a user to choose up to four different sizes for each individual circle. If a user presses the reset switch while the video screensaver is in screensaver mode that is the video module has already captured a frame, then the display is just the camera input, and the video screensaver is waiting for a captured frame in order to go back to screensaver mode again. The screensaver was implemented in two main sections. The first section was to input analog signals from a video camera and display them on a monitor and to control capturing a frame. The other section was to work through the algorithm for displaying the circles as they move and bounce randomly on the screen.

Project Title: AIRTAD: Automated Infrared Target Acquisition
and Destruction
Project Partners: Michael Oh and David Rahn

This is the epic tale of the development of AIRTAD, a target acquisition and tracking system. The system, comprised of a Tracking Processor Kit and a Video Kit, receives analog data from two rotating infrared phototransistors and digitally calculates the location of an infrared source on a two foot by two foot grid. This location is then displayed on a video monitor, indicating the position of the infrared source on a calibrated grid. The remainder of the system included an electromagnetic projectile RgunS and gun guidance system, which were not implemented due to time constraints.

Project Title: Chaos, Color and Tunes
Project Partners: Rene X. Parra and Mark Uhrmacher

The purpose of this project was to demonstrate an interesting project completed with digital hardware. The goal was to create a two-part system where one part draws a fractal to memory and the other part displays the fractal and color-cycles it to music.