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50-pin Ribbon Cable Interface

There are two 50-pin ribbon cable connectors on the FPGA module. The one on the left accesses only pins from the FLEX 10K10 PLD, while the one on the right accesses only pins from the FLEX 10K70 PLD. The FLEX 10K10 50-pin connector provides access to an additional 21 pins, while the FLEX 10K70 50-pin connector provides access to an additional 25 pins. Some of the pins on the FLEX 10K10 are input only, designated by IN on Table 2.

The signals on the 50-pin connectors are fed directly into the three L interfaces for use with the Logic Analyzer, depending on which connector is used to connect with the FPGA module. Be certain that signals labeled as GND are either grounded or left floating in the FLEX 10K PLD programming, as these signals are set by the lab kit.

Table: Correlation between Ribbon Cable Pins and FLEX 10K Pins
FLEX 10K10 FLEX 10K70 K1 Connector K2 Connector
Pin Number Pin Number Interface Interface
- 80 L1-0 L2-8
- 79 L1-1 L2-9
- 78 L1-2 L2-10
- 76 L1-3 L2-11
81 75 L1-4 L2-12
80 74 L1-5 L2-13
79 73 L1-6 L2-14
78 72 L1-7 L2-15
72 71 L1-8 GND
71 70 L1-9 L3-0
70 68 L1-10 L3-1
67 67 L1-11 L3-2
66 66 L1-12 L3-3
65 65 L1-13 L3-4
11 64 L1-14 L3-5
10 63 L1-15 L3-6
9 62 GND L3-7
8 61 L2-0 L3-8
7 56 L2-1 L3-9
6 55 L2-2 L3-10
5 54 L2-3 L3-11
84 ( IN) 53 L2-4 L3-12
44 ( IN) 51 L2-5 L3-13
42 ( IN) 50 L2-6 L3-14
2 ( IN) 49 L2-7 L3-15

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Francis Doughty