Customizable Audio Kaleidoscope |
by Agustya Mehta, Dennis Ramdass, Ting-Hsiang Hwang |
Abstract |
The objective of this design project is to implement an auditory analogue to the
kaleidoscope. First the FPGA kit will be used to generate a comprehensive set of audio
waveforms. Then, these waveforms will be mixed in various aurally-pleasing ways through
an algorithm based in musical knowledge. Variables to consider would be pitch, tempo,
volume, and timbre. The synthesized tones will then be output through a speaker. In
addition to this "autopilot" mode, the user will be able to tweak limited characteristics
of the final product, and the algorithm should be able to adjust accordingly in real
time. Thus, the created music can be as random and pleasing as the visuals of a
kaleidoscope, but appealing to the ear rather than the eye.
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