Digital Audio Processor

by Dimitri Podoliev, William Buttinger



This project aims to provide the basic architecture and components for a highly customizable digital audio processor. The system consists of a series of basic effects modules that use input parameters to alter the input signal(s). These basic building blocks will consist of various frequency filters, amplitude modifiers, time delays, and potentially many other basic effects. By combing these modules, the processor can become potentially any type of effect the user can think of, from a simple equalizer, to a complex effect used in the music industry. A programmable interconnect architecture will allow the user to specify how these modules are connected, and how the input parameters are controlled. These configurations are transmitted from a computer via a serial cable, which reconfigures the processor as the user has defined. The system will work with the audio signal by converting it from analog to digital, passing it through the processor, and then converting the new digital signal in to an analog sound output.


Links To Files

Report Appendix (PDF)

