#################################### ### rock_paper_scissors function ### #################################### """ Write a function called rock_paper_scissors that takes two strings as inputs: @param player1_move - a string input for player 1 @param player2_move - a string input for player 2 returns: "Player 1 wins"; "Player 2 wins"; "Invalid input"; or "Tie" Remember, you may not assume that player1_move or player2_move are valid inputs. """ # YOUR CODE HERE ###################################### ### rock_paper_scissors test cases ### ###################################### """ Copy-paste your test cases from Checkoff 2 as comments. For each test case, write a line of code that calls your rock_paper_scissors function with the inputs laid out in your test case, and prints the result of the function call. Comment these lines after running your test cases. """ # YOUR CODE HERE ################################ ### contains_vowels function ### ################################ """ Write a function that takes one parameter, word, and returns True if word contains vowels; otherwise, returns False. @param word - a string returns: True if word contains one or more vowels; else False """ # YOUR CODE HERE ################################## ### contains_vowels test cases ### ################################## """ Write three test cases for contains_vowels. For each test case, write: - the input - the expected output - the call to contains_vowels to run the test case - the actual output after testing Comment out your test cases after running them. """ # YOUR CODE HERE ###################################### ### fahrenheit_to_celsius function ### ###################################### """ Write a function that takes one input, temperature, a number that represents a temperature in Fahrenheit, and returns the Celsius equivalent. @param temperature - a number returns: the Celsius conversion of temperature as a float """ # YOUR CODE HERE ######################################## ### fahrenheit_to_celsius test cases ### ######################################## """ Write three test cases for fahrenheit_to_celsius. For each test case, write: - the input - the expected output - the call to fahrenheit_to_celsius to run the test case - the actual output after testing Comment out your test cases after running them. """