################## ### Test cases ### ################## # Paste this code at the bottom of your checkoff7 file and make # sure the outputs matches the expected output (displayed below) print "Phone test" phone = Phone("555-4564", "Michelle") number = phone.get_number() name = phone.get_name() phone.call("555-3456") print number print name print "======================" print "CellPhone test" cell = CellPhone("555-3456","Bryan") # Add a contact using the values of name and number from the previous test cell.add_contact(name, number) cell.add_contact("Emily", "555-5678") cell.send_text("Michelle", "555-4564", "hi") cell.send_text("Michelle", "555-4564", "how are you") cell.receive_text("Michelle", "555-4564", "hey") cell.receive_text("Michelle", "555-4564", "good, you?") cell.call("555-5678") print cell.get_name() print cell.get_number() print cell.get_contacts() print cell.get_sent_texts() print cell.get_received_texts() print "======================" print "text test" michelle_phone = CellPhone("555-4564", "Michelle") emily_phone = CellPhone("555-5678", "Emily") phone_list = [michelle_phone, emily_phone, cell] text("555-4564", "555-5678", "do you want to get dinner?", phone_list) print "Received texts:" print "Michelle:", michelle_phone.get_received_texts() print "Emily:", emily_phone.get_received_texts() print "Bryan", cell.get_received_texts() print "Sent texts:" print "Michelle:", michelle_phone.get_sent_texts() print "Emily:", emily_phone.get_sent_texts() print "Bryan", cell.get_sent_texts() print "Contacts:" print "Michelle:", michelle_phone.get_contacts() print "Emily:", emily_phone.get_contacts() print "Bryan", cell.get_contacts() """ Phone test Calling 555-3456 555-4564 Michelle ====================== CellPhone test Calling 555-5678 Bryan 555-3456 {'Michelle': '555-4564', 'Emily': '555-5678'} ['hi', 'how are you'] ['hey', 'good, you?'] ====================== text test Received texts: Michelle: [] Emily: ['do you want to get dinner?'] Bryan ['hey', 'good, you?'] Sent texts: Michelle: ['do you want to get dinner?'] Emily: [] Bryan ['hi', 'how are you'] Contacts: Michelle: {'Emily': '555-5678'} Emily: {'Michelle': '555-4564'} Bryan {'Michelle': '555-4564', 'Emily': '555-5678'} """