6.173 Course Information

Prerequisites 6.004
The labs require some familiarity with programming in C.
Units 3-8-1
12 Engineering Design Points
CI-M for 6-1, 6-2, 6-3
Lectures TR 2:30-4 (36-156)
Duties Name Email at mit.edu Office Phone
Lectures Anant Agarwal agarwal 32-G782 x3-1448
Frans Kaashoek kaashoek 32-G992 x3-7149
Robert Morris rtm 32-G972 x3-5983
Chris Terman cjt 32-G790 x3-6038
TAs Jonathan Eastep eastep -- --
Zviad Metreveli zvio -- --
Grading Your grade will be based on the results of two quizzes (one during the term and one during finals week, 30% total), lab exercises (30%), final project (30%) and class participation (reading assignment questions and in-class discussion 10%).

We will be providing feedback on the written assignments. Half of your grade on the final project and class participation, and a quarter of your grade on the labs will be based on your writings and presentations. Altogether your writing and presentations account for a total of a bit over 25% of your final grade.

Lab submissions are due on Fridays at 5pm. You are required to turn in every lab in order to pass the class.

You have a total of 72 late hours to use throughout the semester, which you can divide up among the assignments however you like; you don't have to ask or tell us. After you have used up your late hours, each additional day late will incur a full letter grade penalty.

Written answers to the questions provided for the reading assignments are due at the start of the lecture on the due date. No late submissions will be accepted.