This demonstration illustrates the lateralization of tones and broadband noise produced by amplitude and time (or phase) differences.

A sample of binauraly identical sound (tone or noise) is presented. This should be lateralized in the center of your head. Then the same sound presented with an interaural amplitude or time (or phase) difference. Interaural differences can cause the apparent laterization of the sound to shift. The third burst consists of binauraly identical sound.

An interaural time difference is applied to both envelope and find structure. A phase shift is applied to identical envelopes. An envelope shift has the same ongoing time structure.

The variable noise level and the frequency of the tone may be important parmeters in the shift of the lateral position of the noise.


Choose the shifted sound, then click Begin.

Shifted Sound             Interaural
Hz - Tone Frequency
Tone               Noise      Level - dB SPL
dB - Level      ms - Time      deg. - Phase      Increment
Rise      On      Fall      Time - ms
Noise Lowpass      Noise Highpass      Frequency - Hz
Noise Lowpass      Noise Highpass     Order
Hz - Sample Rate      dB SPL - Calibration