Does 6.370 have "classes" that we need to attend?

6.370 has no mandatory classes or lab hours, other than the final tournament. Attendance at the final tournament (on January 30th) is absolutely mandatory, regardless of your team's performance. Most information will be distributed online, via this web site.

We will also be hosting optional catered study breaks once a week over IAP, during which competitors can ask the devs questions and interact with other teams.

Am I guaranteed to get the 6 credits and 6 EDPs? Can I fail 6.370?

6 general elective credits are given to all participants who are part of teams that produce "something that works". The exact definition of "something that works" will be decided by the 6.370 developers, but in the past everyone who puts some kind of effort into their submission receives credit. A team can present what they have at any point in the competition and ask whether it warrants the 6 general credits.

6 EDPs will only be given to teams that beat the "reference player". The reference player will be a submission by the 6.370 developers that is intended to be a straightforward and uncreative approach. It should not be difficult to beat the reference player.

In the IAP guide 6.370 is listed under 6.187. What's the course number?

This is confusing and we apologize. The course number is 6.187 and the course title is "6.370" (for historic reasons). You'll need the number 6.187 only when you register on WebSIS. For all other purposes, the competition will be known as "6.370".

Do I have to register on WebSIS?

We recommend that you register both on WebSIS and on the 6.370 web site. Registering on the 6.370 site is mandatory, but registering on WebSIS is only required if you with to receive credits or EDPs.

Can I edit my team's roster once we have registered?

We would prefer that you plan your team ahead of time and register when you have finalized it, but if you need to make a team member change, email 6.370-devs @ and we will make the change in our database.

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