6.454: Graduate Seminar in Area I

Fall 2004

Wednesdays from 1-2:30PM in 32-D677 (LIDS Seminar Room)

Course Description

6.454 is a graduate seminar exploring advanced topics in area I, including communication, control, signal processing, and optimization. We also consider connections to related fields, including computer science and machine learning.

At the first class meeting, participants will divide into small groups, each of which will choose a topic about which they will present a series of related papers. In each subsequent week, a different student will lead a recitation-like survey of their chosen paper(s). Prior to that presentation, he or she reviews the literature (with faculty assistance as required), and produces a written summary suitable for distribution.

Course Information


Todd Coleman (colemant@mit.edu),
Elif Uysal-Biyikoglu (elif@MIT.EDU),
Shashi P. Borade (spb@mit.edu),
Ashish Khisti (khisti@mit.edu),
Desmond Lun (dslun@mit.edu),
Lilian Dai (lldai@mit.edu),
Kyle Guan (ckguan@mit.edu),
Alex Olshevsky (alex_o@MIT.EDU),
Baris Nakiboglu (nakib@MIT.EDU),
Danielle Hinton (ayodele@mit.edu),
Vijay Divi (vdivi@MIT.EDU)

Student Organizers
Shashi Borade (spbmit.edu) and Todd Coleman (colemantmit.edu)

Prof. David Forney (forneyd@comcast.net)

A limited number of listeners, who have read the relevant papers for a given topic, are welcome to attend sessions of interest. Contact a member of the class for more information.

Course History

Students from the Digital Signal Processing Group (DSPG), and the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS), have developed this course with the guidance of several members of the faculty, including Prof. David Forney and Prof. Vahid Tarokh. For more information, see the original course proposal.

Web sites and presentation materials from previous terms are still available online:

Last modified 5/24/2004.