Spring 2016 · [Course Staff](https://web.mit.edu/6.813/www/sp16/general/#course_staff) · MWF1 (34-101)
### Go to...
+ [![](icon:piazza.ico) **Piazza**](https://piazza.com/class#spring2016/6813)
+ [![](icon:google-forms.png) **Nanoquiz** makeup form](nanoquiz-makeups)
+ [![](icon:lmod.ico) **Gradebook**](https://learning-modules.mit.edu/gradebook/index.html?uuid=/course/6/sp16/6.813)
+ [![](icon:lmod.ico) **Membership**](https://learning-modules.mit.edu/membership/index.html?uuid=/course/6/sp16/6.813)
+ [![](icon:confluence.ico) **Wiki**](https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=116365412)
+ [![](icon:gallery-icon.png) **Project Gallery**](gallery/)
### Announcements
#### Thu May 12: Instructor Office Hours Next Week
Hi everyone!
Thanks for all of the hard work this term, and for putting together your Madness videos. The session was really fun, and it was incredible to see all of the amazing work that your groups have put together, you should all be very proud. For anyone who was unable to attend our final lecture, the TA's put together a gallery to show off the projects at http://web.mit.edu/6.813/www/sp16/gallery/ where you can check out what your classmates have been up to!
We are working hard to finalize the course grades, and Elena and I wanted to let folks know that we've moved up our office hours next week to **Monday** in order to resolve any final questions. Elena's hours will be from Noon to 1pm, and mine will be from 4pm to 5pm. Please come talk to us during one of those times if you have any concerns or questions to resolve. The course calendar should be up to date the new schedule.
Finally, I wanted to remind folks one last time that course evaluations (http://web.mit.edu/subjectevaluation) close on Monday. We really value everyone's feedback on the course, so please fill it out before the 16th!
#### Wed May 4: Friday's Lecture and Course Evaluation
A reminder that we'll be having our last subject lecture this Friday until our Madness session next Wednesday. The topic will be on ICT4D, the use of technology in development. The lecture is for both Graduates and Undergraduates. There won't be a pre-reading for the lecture and there won't be a nanoquiz. Enjoy the extra time to work on your GR6 testing!
We'd also like to remind everyone that course subject evaluations have been posted online (http://web.mit.edu/subjectevaluation/) and close on Monday, May 16. Your feedback is incredibly important to us when approaching changes to the course each semester, so please take the time to let us know how you felt about the class in the next week.
Finally, we mentioned in lecture that for our last class session we'll be doing a "Madness" style presentation of everyone's group projects, for which we'd ask that each group provide a 40 second screencast where they'll pitch their UI, describe their target audience, and show how they are enabling their user's needs. After the presentations we'll be voting on some class favorites. We'll send out a form later this week with an example video from a previous year, and more detailed instructions on where to place your video, but start thinking about a quick pitch for your group!
#### Tue May 3: updates to GR5 Wiki can be made through tomorrow @ Midnight
The GR5 assignment states that wiki entries are due during the meeting with your TA, but, as earlier announced in class, we have decided that all teams may update them up until tomorrow, Wednesday, at midnight.
#### Thu Apr 28: Announcements
1. Like Monday, Friday's Team Worktime at 1 PM is mandatory; please check in with your TA as a group.
2. On Wed. May 11th, we'll have a "Madness" class where everyone will get a chance to see everyone else's work. To fit everyone in, each team will have 45 seconds. Start thinking about how to show your great group project in a short video of that length. There will be an Audience Choice Award, among others. Details to follow soon.
3. [G Only, who implemented Ephemeral Menus] If you implemented the prediction algorithm in the paper *cited* by the paper we assigned, you are eligible for extra credit. Please email 6.813-prof@mit.edu with the title "Extra Credit Algorithm Implementation" and explain how your submission met this criteria of going above and beyond. (It is difficult to tell from your code alone.)
#### Fri Apr 22: Monday Team Worktime is Mandatory; Wednesday class [G Required] notes posted
Please check in with your TA as a group!
Also, the 6.831 [G Required] lecture notes are now posted for you to review prior to Wednesday's class.
#### Sun Mar 13: Monday we will have paper prototype testing in Walker Gym (50-340) during classtime.
Don't forget that tomorrow and Wednesday are designated "Team Worktime / Prototype Testing" on our course calendar.
On Monday, to give you more space to spread out your paper prototypes and let your classmates try them out, we will be meeting in 50-340 (Walker Gym).
On Wednesday, we'll start in 34-101 and will use 26-100 as an overflow space if necessary.
#### Tue Mar 8: [6.831 only] Please install R before tomorrow's class
Before tomorrow's class period, please install R (http://cran.rstudio.com/). R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. Follow the instructions on the website (http://www.r-project.org/) to install R if you do not already have it installed.
[Older Announcements](announcement-archive.html)
### General
+ [**General Information**](general/)
+ [Collaboration and Public Sharing](general/#collaboration)
+ [Nanoquiz Grading and Makeups](general/#nanoquiz_grading)
+ [Studios](general/#studio)
+ [I have a question, who do I ask?](general/#how_to_get_help)
+ [![](icon:google-calendar.ico) **Calendar**](calendar)
### Readings
+ [01: Usability](classes/01-usability/) {03 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [02: Learnability 1](classes/02-learnability/) {05 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [03: Learnability 2](classes/03-learnability/) {08 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [04: Efficiency](classes/04-efficiency/) {10 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [05: Safety](classes/05-safety/) {12 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [06: UI Software Architecture](classes/06-ui-sw-arch/) {16 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [07: User-Centered Design](classes/07-user-centered-design/) {17 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [08: Output](classes/08-output/) {22 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [09: Input](classes/09-input/) {24 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [10: Prototyping](classes/10-prototyping/) {29 Feb 2016 13:00}
+ [11: Experiment Design [G Only]](classes/11-experiment-design/) {02 Mar 2016 13:00}
+ [12: User Testing](classes/12-user-testing/) {07 Mar 2016 13:00}
+ [13: Experiment Analysis [G Only]](classes/13-experiment-analysis/) {09 Mar 2016 13:00}
+ [14: Graphic Design](classes/14-graphic-design/) {28 Mar 2016 13:00}
+ [15: Layout](classes/15-layout/) {30 Mar 2016 13:00}
+ [16: Color](classes/16-color/) {01 Apr 2016 13:00}
+ [17: Typography](classes/17-typography/) {04 Apr 2016 13:00}
+ [18: Accessibility](classes/18-accessibility/) {06 Apr 2016 13:00}
+ [19: Internationalization](classes/19-internationalization/) {08 Apr 2016 13:00}
+ [20: Heuristic Evaluation](classes/20-heuristic-evaluation/) {11 Apr 2016 13:00}
+ [21: Past and Present Research [G Required]](classes/G-Past-And-Present-Research/) {27 Apr 2016 13:00}
+ [22: ICT4D](classes/22-ict4d/) {06 May 2016 13:00}
### Problem Sets
+ [HW1: Hall Of Fame And Shame](assignments/hw1-hall-of-fame-and-shame/) {10 Feb 2016 23:59}
+ [PS1: Translation Game](assignments/ps1-translate_game/) {17 Feb 2016 23:59}
+ [PS2: Checkerboard Output](assignments/ps2-checkerboard-output/) {9 Mar 2016 23:59}
+ [PS3: Checkerboard Input](assignments/ps3-checkerboard-input/) {30 Mar 2016 23:59}
+ [HW2: Heuristic Evaluation](assignments/hw2-heuristic-evaluation/) {20 Apr 2016 23:59}
### Research Problem Sets (G Only)
+ [RS1: Implementation](assignments/rs1-implementation/) {8 Apr 2016 23:59}
+ [RS2: Data Collection](assignments/rs2-data-collection/) {22 Apr 2016 23:59}
+ [RS3: Analysis](assignments/rs3-analysis/) {6 May 2016 23:59}
### Group Project
+ [GR1: Analysis](assignments/gr1-analysis/) {16 Feb 2016 23:59}
+ [GR2: Designs](assignments/gr2-designs/) {4 Mar 2016 23:59}
+ [GR3: Paper Prototyping](assignments/gr3-paper-prototyping/) {18 Mar 2016 23:59}
+ [GR4: Computer Prototyping](assignments/gr4-computer-prototyping/) {13 Apr 2016 23:59}
+ [GR5: Implementation](assignments/gr5-implementation/) {2 May 2016 23:59}
+ [GR6: User Testing](assignments/gr6-user-testing/) {11 May 2016 23:59}
### Programming Labs (optional)
+ [Lab 1: HTML and CSS](labs/lab1-html-css/) {4 Feb 2016 19:30}
+ [Lab 2: Javascript and JQuery](labs/lab2-javascript-jquery/) {11 Feb 2016 19:30}