6.813/6.831 User Interface Design & Implementation

This lab was held on Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 7:30 P.M. in 32-082.
This is a non-compulsory programming lab to introduce students to webpage building with HTML and CSS.
View the source of this page to see a nicely documented solution to the exercises below.

Last Updated: Sun, Jan 31 2015 at 10:30 P.M.


In this programming lab, you will be completing a series of exercises that will help you structure and style web pages. Here's a picture of what your webpage will look like when you're done.

Required Resources

You will need a a text editor, preferably with syntax highlighting. We recommend using Sublime Text, available on OS X, Windows and Linux.


Exercise 0: Build Dog's website from scratch

For this exercise, open up your text editor and follow along with what we do on the projector. Starting from a blank file, we will:
  • Use basic HTML tags to define the overall structure of a web page.
  • Add some text content to the web page.
  • Add an image to the web page.
  • Separate the web page into sections and give each section a heading.
  • Apply some basic style to the sections using CSS rules.
Featured videos:    Introduction to styling with CSS

Exercise 1: Make the page your own

Modify the page's content to make it your own website.
  • Replace the name in the page's title with your own.
  • Replace the interests listed with your own.
  • Replace the picture of Dog with a picture of yourself.

Exercise 2: Style your page using Chrome Inspector (F12) or FireBug

Use the Chrome Inspector or Firebug to inspect your elements and play with CSS rules. Here is a good reference on CSS selectors.

  • Change heading fonts to Georgia and color them maroon.
  • Make links colored differently when you hover and have visited them.
Featured videos:    Adding Style Rules Using Google Chrome Developer Tools

Exercise 3: Add and style a table of courses

Modify the page to include a table of courses you are taking and have taken. Here are some examples of simple tables. Your table should have:

  • three columns: course number, course title, and semester taken
  • two vertical sections, with headers for courses taken 'For Credit' and as 'Listener'
  • alternating row background colors, so it's easy to read
  • green colored text if the class is currently being taken
Featured videos:    HTML Website Tables & Layouts Tutorial

It should look something like this:

Exercise 4: Positioning

Use Inspector/Firebug to try different layouts using the CSS position directive. Move your picture, interests and course info around. Here's a reference on CSS positioning. Put your picture on the right and the rest of your info on the left.

Featured videos:
It should look something like this:

Exercise 5: Add a Form

Add a form which visitors of your website can use to submit information about their pet. Here's a reference on forms.

  • Add textboxes for the pet's name, gender and phylum.
  • Add a Submit button.

Featured videos:    How to create forms in HTML5

Exercise 6: Codecademy Exercises

Do the projects on the Codecademy website.