6.826 Principles of Computer Systems
Spring 2004
Contact Info
Course Materials
Lecture Notes
Handout 1: Course Information
Handout 1a: Project Information and Suggestions
Handout 2: Overview and Background
Handout 3: Introduction to Spec
Handout 4: Spec Reference Manual
Handout 5: Examples of Specs and Code
Handout 6: Abstraction Functions and Invariants
Handout 7: Disks and File Systems
Handout 8: Generalizing Abstraction Functions
Handout 9: Atomic Semantics of Spec
Handout 10: Performance
Handout 11: Paper: Performance of Firefly RPC
Handout 12: Naming
Handout 13: Paper: Semantic File Systems
Handout 14: Practical Concurrency
Handout 15: Concurrent Disks and Directories
Handout 16: Paper: Programming with Threads
Handout 17: Formal Concurrency
Handout 18: Consensus
Handout 19: Sequential Transactions with Cachine
Handout 20: Concurrent Transactions
Handout 21: Distributed Systems
Handout 22: Paper: Autonet: A High-Speed, Self-Configuring Local Area Network using Point-to-Point Links
Handout 23: Networks — Links and Switches
Handout 24: Network Objects
Handout 25: Paper: Network Objects
Handout 26: Reliable Messages
Handout 27: Distributed Transactions
Handout 28: Availability and Replication
Handout 29: Fault-Tolerance (from Gray and Reuter,
Transaction Processing: Principles and Techniques
; not available online)
Handout 30: Concurrent Caching
Handout 31: Paper: Computer Security in the Real World
Handout 32: System Administration
Problem Sets
Development Tools
Comments and questions to: plam[at]mit.edu
Last modified: Monday, 30-Jan-2006 14:52:41 EST, by plam