(optional) Name: (optional) email:
'; } function q($number,$text) { global $doform; global $meaning; if($doform){ print "$number. $text"; print "
\n"; } $meaning["q$number"] = $text; } q(1,"What did you like best about 6.857?"); q(2,"What did you like least about 6.857?"); q(3,"What did you think of the problem sets? This year, we had many programming problem sets. Were these helpful? Fun?"); q(4,"Comment on the textbook. Did you find it well-written and instructive?"); q(5,"Comment on the adequacy and quality of the handouts and other materials. "); q(6,"Comment on the in-class quizzes."); q(7,"Did your group communicate well? Why or why not? What advice would you give students next year in selecting and maintaining a group?"); q(8,"Did the midterm and quizzes accurately reflect your understanding of the lecture material?"); q(9,"Comment on the usefulness of the number, location, and time of office hours."); q(10,"Do you have any constructive suggestions for next year concerning:(a) Lectures:"); q("10a","(b) Homework:"); q("10b","(c) TAs:"); q("10c","(d) Midterm?"); q("10d","(e) Term projects?"); q("11","Do you plan to study or work in the realm of computer security?"); $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; if(isset($_POST['q1'])){ foreach($_POST as $i => $value) { $responses .= " $i: " . $meaning[$i] . "\n $value\n\n=============================================\n\n"; } $handle = popen("/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -v","w"); fputs($handle,"to: 6.857-staff@MIT.EDU\n"); fputs($handle,"From: 6.857 form \n"); fputs($handle,"Subject: [6.857] survey response\n\n"); fputs($handle,$_POST['name'] . " " . $_POST['email'] . "\n\n"); fputs($handle,$responses); pclose($handle); print "Thanks for your comments!"; exit(0); } ?> If you would like to TA or grade for 6.857 in the future, please contact Prof. Rivest.