Network and Computer Security

(Note 6.915 was the temporary name for 6.857)

6.915 is a new course in Network and Computer Security offered by the EECS Department. It meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30-4:00, in Room 36-153.

6.915 is an upper-level undergraduate, first-year graduate course on network and computer security. It fits within the Computer Systems and Architecture Engineering Concentration. The prerequisites are 6.033, and either 6.046 or 18.063.

Topics covered will include the following:

Teaching Staff:

One of the requirements for the class was to write a term paper. You can follow a link to the 6.915 Term Papers Page


Students are required to scribe notes for each lecture. These notes are available by clicking on the lecture number link.

LaTeX Help: Click on this link to get some documentation on how to get started with LaTeX to write class notes.