The Algonquin Tribe

The Algonquin Indians lived in the far north of North America in Canada near the Ottawa River. The climate was mostly snowy and cold in the winter and warm in the summer.

The houses they lived in were wigwams in the winter and teepees in the summer. Wigwams were warm. They were made out of bent poles and birch bark. Bark teepees let cool air in during the summer.

They ate fish from the rivers, they hunted deer, moose and other animals. The Algonquin Tribe used canoes during the summer and snowshoes and toboggans during the winter to travel. They used their canoes to move their teepees from place to place in the summer.

By Allison C, Lauren D, Max K, and Peter M


Algonquin Village

Allison C

Max K

Allison C

Lauren D

Peter M