The Protein Folding Problem:
Fall 2007 Schedule

Room 56-154

Updated: August 29, 2007



Monday - Lecture

Wednesday - Lecture

Friday - Recitation


5 Introduction to the problem

7 Side-chain review and Sulphur redox chemistry

10 The Anfinsen experiments

12 Globular protein structure & protein interiors

14 Using the Protein Databank (PDB)

17 Helix-helix packing in globular proteins

19 Beta-sheets and beta-sheet packing

21 Experimental techniques: circular dichroism

24 Student Holiday-- no classes

26 Thermal denaturation; coiled-coils and refolding of Tropomyosin

28 Fluorescence spectroscopy


1 S-peptide helical folding

3 Detecting partially folded intermediates

5 Prolyl isomerization

8 - Columbus Day - No Classes

10 Cytochrome c refolding pathway

12 2-D MNR techniques

15 Collagen structure and folding in vitro

17 Procollagen folding in vivo

19 Protein calorimetry: BPTI S-S discussion

22 Protein misfolding and aggregation

24 Ribosome channel, nascent chains and trigger factor

26 Graded problem set due


29 Scaffolding proteins in viral shell assembly

31Amyloid fiber formation in neuro degenerative disease


5 Chaperonin assisted folding

7 Eukarotic chaperonins

9 Research paper topics and choices


12 Veteran's Day - no classes

14 Membrane protein (rhodopsin) folding and assembly

16 Prion diseases

19 Social issues in Biomedical research

21 Thanksgiving - No Class

23 Thanksgiving - No Recitation

26 Student presentations

28 Student presentations

30 Student presentations


3 Student presentations

5 Student presentations

7 Student presentations

  10 Student presentations

12 Student presentations

14 - Final papers DUE


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