8.02 Anonymous Comment Form -- Spring 2001

Class comments submitted here will be forwarded anonymously by e-mail to Prof. Hale Bradt and course administrator Prof. George Koster. Website comments will be forwarded anonymously to webmaster Adam Bolton and to Prof. Bradt. You may provide your name and e-mail address if you wish to receive a response.

A note from Prof. Bradt:

The anonymous comments received so far have been very helpful and appreciated. We have seen constructive suggestions and also compliments about how we are doing, often both in the same message. That kind of courtesy is much appreciated. Most important, the feedback is very helpful to us.

While we encourage you to send comments, anonymous and otherwise, I prefer in general that you give your return email address and identify yourself by name. In this way I can reply to you personally; our contact will be more congenial and less cold and impersonal. (I like to respond to the comments; it feels funny when I can't.) Of course if you are more comfortable with the anonymous format, for any reason, feel free to use it. We appreciate that too.

You can also email us directly at:
phyjbm@mit.edu (Prof. Koster)


Comment on

Enter comment in the following field:

Your name (optional):

Your e-mail (optional -- necessary if you wish to receive a response):


Thank you!

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