Simulation of electromagnetic
waves in two dimensions.
The buttons on the right control the behavior of the mouse:
pulse: Sends in a pulse where the mouse is clicked.
walls: Click and drag to draw walls. Click and drag on walls
to delete them.
oscs: Click (and drag) to place oscillators. Click (and drag)
on oscillators to delete them.
dist: Distance measuring tool. Click and drag to measure the
distance between two points. Click again to clear the measurement.
angle: Angle measuring tool. Click and drag to draw the first
vector. Click and drag again to draw the second vector. Click again
to clear the measurement.
color: Click to toggle the color mode of the applet.
clear: Click to clear the display.
examples: Click to toggle through the example setups. The name
of the example will appear above the button.
freq: This slider controls the frequency of the oscillators.
contrast: This slider controls the contrast of the display.