% File: http://web.mit.edu/8.13/matlab/Examples/alphas.m % Author: Scott Sewell % Date: 2008-June-11 % Example linear fit to Geiger-Nuttall Data from French and Taylor ``An % Introduction to Quantum Mechanics'', 1978, Table 9-1, Page 407. % Requires 'fitlin.m' figure; ftx=[0.497 0.452 0.425 0.423 0.404 0.381 0.358 0.335]; % 1/sqrt(E) fty=[-17.8 -10.9 -7.9 -5.7 -2.4 0.6 3.6 6.4]; % log10(gamma) [per sec] ftsig=.1*fty; errorbar(ftx,fty,ftsig,'.'); axis([.3 .55 -20 10]); ylabel('log_{10} \gamma','fontsize',14); xlabel('E^{-1/2}','fontsize',14); title({'Test of the theoretical relationship between','decay constant and emitted \alpha particle energies'},'fontsize',16'); legend('French and Taylor (1978)'); [fta,ftaerr,ftchisq,ftyfit] = fitlin(ftx,fty,ftsig); hold on; plot(ftx,ftyfit,'R-'); Parameters = [fta', ftaerr'] rchisq=ftchisq/(length(ftx)-1); text(.33,-12.5,'Barrier Penetrability \sim Ae^{-C/E^{1/2}}'); text(.33,-15,'log10\gamma = const - 155/E_{MeV}^{1/2}'); text(.33,-10,'Fit Slope = -145 \pm 5'); text(.34,8,'Th^{232}'); text(.5,-16,'Po^{212}');