8.333: Statistical Mechanics of Particles

Anonymous Comments

You can send your comments anonymously using the online form (Be constructive!). Discussions of general interest will be posted here.

From: anonymous-8.333-student@MIT.EDU
Subject: comments on 8.333
Date: September 19, 2004 3:24:16 PM EDT
To: kardar@MIT.EDU

Dear Prof. Kardar,

Quite a few of my friends taking 8.333 and I believe that it would be extremely helpful if the problemsets were due not one hour after the recitation but at least a day after the recitation. Since recitations are on Fridays, it would be great to have problem sets due on Mondays or alternatively to have recitations on Wednesdays.

Thanks a lot!

message sent anonymously

From: anonymous-8.333-student@MIT.EDU
Subject: comments on 8.333
Date: September 19, 2004 11:12:16 PM EDT
To: kardar@MIT.EDU

I whole-heartedly share the sentiment that it would be better if we had more to time to work on the problem sets after the recitations. It would also be very good if there was an office hour on a day between the recitation day and the due date providing an opportunity to ask questions not brought up during the recitation.

message sent anonymousl

From: anonymous-8.333-student@MIT.EDU
Subject: comments on 8.333
Date: September 20, 2004 9:46:39 AM EDT
To: kardar@MIT.EDU

I came here to also suggest that homework be due on Mondays rather than Fridays. I doubt that all three of the previous comments were from a single student (however, the last two are suspiciously close in submission time) as it seems that many people were concerned about the homework due date last Friday during recitation.

message sent anonymously

Response: In response to the above sentiments I shall change the due dates of problem sets 2, 3, 4 from Friday to the Monday after. Problem set 5 is still due on the Friday, as there is no corresponding recitation. (There are just not enough MWF class dates during the term to allow for enough recitiations, as well as the midterm exam.) Note also that there are now 2 problem sets due on the week after labor day.

From: anonymous-8.333-student@MIT.EDU
Subject: comments on 8.333
Date: September 16, 2004 2:35:38 PM EDT
To: kardar@MIT.EDU

Would it be possible to postpone the due dates of homework assignments to Monday? It seems that if we will go over items in recitation that may be useful in finishing our problem sets, it would be nice to have more than an hour to work on them after recitation and before they are due. Thanks!!

message sent anonymously

From: anonymous-8.333-student@MIT.EDU
Subject: comments on 8.333
Date: September 17, 2004 3:36:33 PM EDT
To: kardar@MIT.EDU

Would it be possible to move the homework due date so that we have a larger time interval between the recitation and the homework due date?

message sent anonymously

From: anonymous-8.333-student@MIT.EDU
Subject: comments on 8.333
Date: September 17, 2004 3:36:46 PM EDT
To: kardar@MIT.EDU

Would it be possible to move the homework due date so that we have a larger time interval between the recitation and the homework due date?

message sent anonymously

Response: It is likely that all three messages above are from the same source, and as such I am not sure how wide-spread the above sentiment is. For the time being, I will keep the official due date for PS#1 as 9/17/04, but will not apply a penalty to any problen sets that are handed in to the TA before the lecture on Monday 9/20.

8.333 Anonymous Discussions- Fall 2004 - last updated 9/21/04 by M. Kardar