athena% setup save "Setup save" is a simple set of programs designed to make it easier to save paper on Athena. Questions to Mike Jacknis and Richard Barbalace, SETUP SAVE commands are not supported by Athena. There are two independent components to Setup Save: a. There are commands that you use in place of LPR to get double sided printing and, if you want, two pages shown per side flipped 90 degrees. b. IF you request, your Athena account will be modified (your .environment file will be changed) to prevent you from printing the header page with your name on it, every time you print. I will first show you some help files about the commands. At the end, you will be given the option to modify your account. Note that these scripts are not supported by Athena. Mike Jacknis / Richard Barbalace The save locker has the following commands, accessible if setup save modified your account. If you did not opt for modification, you can access them from the window that appears when you type setup save. You can use the following printing commands: Command Action File Types Notes dup duplex plain text or postscript dup4 duplex; 2up plain text or postscript ezprint2 duplex ez files ezprint4 duplex; 2up ez files dvips2 duplex .dvi files dvips4 duplex; 2up .dvi files Further explanation: "duplex" means double sided. "2up" means two pages per SIDE. If you should ever forget these commands, simply type setup save again. This set of commands is supposed to be very simple and unsophisticated. If you are a hacker, you may want to look at them and hack your .cshrc.mine file appropriately. If you have suggestions for improving this system, please send them to Mike Jacknis and Richard Barbalace, Remember, you will print double sided only when you use the special double sided printing commands. The only automatic change is to avoid header pages. If you should ever need to undo this change (of avoiding header pages), you have two options: TEMPORARY OVERRIDE: To print the header page just once, use the -h option with your print command: examples: lpr -h filename dup -h filename ezprint2 -h filename PERMANENT CANCELLATION: To permanently undo all of this, simply remove the lines from your ~/.environment file that this program added. This can be done as follows: athena% emacs ~/.environment Then go into the Emacs window and use the arrow keys and the delete button to get rid of the lines this program added (they will be marked) Then type control-x control-c to exit Emacs, and answer y to save your changes. Remember, you can always get this information by typing athena% setup save The save command... If you approve, this command will modify your Athena account as follows: --More--(75%) 1. The burst page will be omitted when printing. 2. You will receive a zephyr when printing is completed. 3. Commands for DOUBLE SIDED PRINTING will be made available. Note: The purpose of the zephyr message is so you can retrieve your printout right away so nobody else takes it by mistake. You need only run this command once. You can run it again to get a reminder of the double-sided printing commands. Duplex printing will occur only when you request it. Instructions will be provided on how to override or undo this change. Author: Mike Jacknis / Richard Barbalace Maintainer: Richard Barbalace Questions: Explanation: It modifies your ~/.environment file, by adding the following two lines: setenv LPROPT "-h -z" ### Prevents header page; enables zephyring. add save ### Makes duplex printing commands available to you.