1. Networks:
2. Spatio-temporal patterns:
- Simple biological modules:
- Transcription regulation; lac operon
- Genetic switches
- Signal transduction
- Repressilator: a simple clock
- Statistics of complex networks:
- Random (Erdös-Rényi) networks
- Percolation, diameter, degree distribution
- Scale free networks, construction and properties
3. Emergence of cell state in the nucleus:
- Dynamics on a network:
- fixed points and stability
- Hopfield neural network
- Cycles
- Biological clocks The Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction
- Biological clocks
- Synchronization
- Turing instability
- Inferring compactification and structure of chromosomes
- Transcriptional condensates
Thursday November 14
L20: ( (MK) Elements of networks
Tuesday November 19
L21: (MK) Dynamics on a network, Hopflied memories
Thursday November 21
L22: (MK) Oscillations, clocks, synchronization
Tuesday November 26
L23: (MK) Turing patterns
Tuesday December 3
L24: (LM) Chromatin 1
Thursday December 5
L25: (LM) Chromatin 2
Tuesday December 10
L26: (LM) Chromatin 3