1. Filaments in the cycloskeleton:
- Actin, threadmilling
- Microtubules, dynamic instability
- Molecular motors, ratchet models, asymmetric hopping models
2. Cooperativity:
4. Protein-Nucleic acid composites:
- Hemoglobin: evolution, polymorphism, folding and fibrilation, function, regulation, ...
- kinetic proof reading
- Electrostatic interactions
- Specific and non-specific binding of factors to DNA regulatory elements
- Berg-von Hippel, wight matrices (profiles), information content
4. Cells of the adaptive immune system:
- Affinity maturation of B cells
- Thymic selection of T cells
Tuesday October 22
L13: (MK) Microtubules
Thursday October 24
L14: (MK) Molecular motors
Tuesday October 29
L15: (MK) Adaptive immunity, Thymic selection
Thursday October 31
L16: (MK) Adaptive immunity, Affinity maturation
Tuesday November 5
L17: (LM) Cooperativity, Hemoglobin
Thursday November 7
L18: (LM) Protein-DNA energetics
Tuesday November 12
L19: (LM) Protein-DNA kinetics