8.592 - HST.452J (Spring 2024)
Statistical Physics in Biology
Lecture 6
Statistical Physics of Polymers
Polymers are long covalently bonded macromolecules, with N>>1 monomers
Biological polymers: Polynucleotides, polypeptides, polysaccharides
Homopolymers, heteropolymers
Artificial polymers, e.g (-CHH-)
How straight is a polymer?
Thermal excitation of rotational isomores
Bending rigidity and Persistence length
Entropic elasticity:
Random walks, Kuhn segments, and the central limit theorem
Polymer spring
Excluded volume; role of solvent
Mean-field estimate of the partition function
Lecture notes
lec11- last update 9/23/24 by M. Kardar