function notch( channel ) fig = channel; linewidth = 2; markersize = 6; if ( ~exist( 'dataStruct' ) ) load( 'bic2_data1.mat' ); end data =; s = data(:,channel); s = s - mean(s); t = dataStruct.timeVec; t = t/1000; S = fft(s); Smag = abs(S); Slen = length(S); Smag2 = Smag(end:-1:ceil(Slen/2)+1); Smag = Smag(2:floor(Slen/2)+1); Sdiff = Smag - Smag2; Fs = 1/t(2); % sampling frequency f = (1:length(Smag))*Fs/length(S); figure( fig-1 ); clf; subplot(2,1,1); plot( f, Smag, 'b', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); hold on; plot( f, Smag2, 'r.', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); plot( f, Sdiff, 'g', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); ylabel( 'S(f)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); xlabel( 'Frequency (Hz)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); titletext = sprintf( 'FFT of function s(t)' ); title( titletext, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); grid on; AX = axis; %axis( [AX(1) AX(2) 0 AX(4)] ); axis( [-20 850 -20 620] ); tx = text( 0.4*AX(1)+0.6*AX(2), 0.5*AX(3)+0.5*AX(4), ... sprintf( 'S(0) = %f', Smag(1) ) ); set( tx, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); %--- NOTCH FILTER --- Snew = S; filterBW = 20; fbinwidth = Fs/length(S); peaks = find( Smag > 11 ); disp( f(peaks) ); for fNull = f(peaks) [closest_f,closest_i] = min( abs(f-fNull) ); delta_i = ceil( filterBW / fbinwidth ); for middle_i = [ closest_i+1 length(Snew)-closest_i+1 ] atten = abs(Snew(middle_i)); for i = middle_i - delta_i : middle_i + delta_i if ( i < 1 || i > length(Snew) ) continue; end % Snew(i) = Snew(i) / (1 + atten*exp(-(i-middle_i)^2/delta_i)); % Snew(i) = Snew(i) / (1 + atten/(1+abs(i-middle_i))); Snew(i) = Snew(i) / (1 + atten/(0.1+abs(i-middle_i)^3)); end end end Smag = abs(Snew); Slen = length(Snew); Smag2 = Smag(end:-1:ceil(Slen/2)+1); Smag = Smag(2:floor(Slen/2)+1); figure(fig); clf; subplot(2,1,1); plot( f, Smag, 'b', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); hold on; plot( f, Smag2, 'r.', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); plot( f, Sdiff, 'g', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); ylabel( 'S(f)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); titletext = sprintf( 'FFT of function s(t)' ); title( titletext, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); legends = { '|S(f)| after notching' }; ll = legend( legends ); set( ll, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); grid on; AX = axis; axis( [AX(1) AX(2) 0 AX(4)] ); tx = text( 0.4*AX(1)+0.6*AX(2), 0.5*AX(3)+0.5*AX(4), ... sprintf( 'S(0) = %f', Smag(1) ) ); set( tx, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); is = real(ifft(Snew)); fn = 5000; % cutoff frequency Q = 1/sqrt(2); wn = 2*pi*fn; tau = 1/wn; tau1 = tau/Q; tau2 = tau*Q; x = tf('s'); LPF = 1 / (tau^2*x^2 + tau1*x + 1); %LPF = 1-LPF %figure(fig+2); clf; bode(LPF); z = lsim( LPF, is, t ); figure(fig+1); clf; subplot(2,1,1); plot( t, s, 'b:', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); hold on; plot( t, is, 'r', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); ylabel( 's(t)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); titletext = sprintf( 'Time signal s(t)' ); title( titletext, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); legends = { 's(t)', 's(t) after notching', '5\sigma threshold' }; grid on; AX = axis; threshold = 5*std(is); plot( [0 AX(2)], [-threshold -threshold], 'g' ); plot( [0 AX(2)], [threshold threshold], 'g' ); ll = legend( legends ); set( ll, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); %axis( [AX(1) AX(2) -.04 .04] ); %axis( [1.90 1.95 -.03 .03] ); subplot(2,1,2); plot( t, s, 'b:', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); hold on; plot( t, z, 'r', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); hold on; ylabel( 'z(t)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); xlabel( 'Time (s)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); legends = { 's(t)', 'z(t) after LPF', '5\sigma threshold' }; grid on; AX = axis; threshold = 5*std(z); plot( [0 AX(2)], [-threshold -threshold], 'g' ); plot( [0 AX(2)], [threshold threshold], 'g' ); ll = legend( legends, 4 ); set( ll, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); %axis( [AX(1) AX(2) -.04 .04] ); %axis( [1.90 1.95 -.03 .03] ); Z = fft( z ); Zmag = abs(Z); Zlen = length(Z); Zmag2 = Zmag(end:-1:ceil(Zlen/2)+1); Zmag = Zmag(2:floor(Zlen/2)+1); Zdiff = Zmag - Zmag2; figure(fig); subplot(2,1,2); plot( f, Zmag, 'b', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); hold on; plot( f, Zmag2, 'r.', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); plot( f, Zdiff, 'g', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); plot( f(1), Z(1), 'mo', 'LineWidth', linewidth, 'MarkerSize', markersize ); xlabel( 'Frequency (Hz)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); ylabel( 'Z(f)', 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); legends = { '|Z(f)| after LPF' }; ll = legend( legends ); set( ll, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); grid on; AX = axis; axis( [AX(1) AX(2) 0 AX(4)] ); tx = text( 0.4*AX(1)+0.6*AX(2), 0.5*AX(3)+0.5*AX(4), ... sprintf( 'Z(0) = %f', Zmag(1) ) ); set( tx, 'fontsize', 12, 'fontweight', 'bold' ); return;