ZAS1 - Report Errors in Dunning Procedure and Dunning Area

Use this procedure to run a report listing sponsor billing dunning errors. The errors can be corrected from the report screen.

Errors listed include: blocked customers and invoices, customer records with a Dunning Procedure not equal to SPON, customer records with no dunning data, and customer records and documents with payment terms not equal to ZB40.

1. Get started

2. Initial screen

  1. Select Sponsor Billing by clicking on its radio button.
  2. Click on Execute to run report.

    The report lists "errors" found, including:

3. Correct customer or other records

The report also gives information about how to correct each type of error found. Errors can be corrected from the report.

For example, shown below is the report page telling how to correct customers records with Dunning Procedure not equal to SPON.

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