SAP VFX3 - Release Billing Documents for Accounting

This transaction can be used to release a number of SD billing documents to accounting, when there is a problem affecting a number of SD billing documents, for example an authorization problem. Once the authorizations are fixed, this transaction can be run to create the FI invoices.

You can also correct the billing date on SD billing documents using this transaction.

  1. Get started (SAP menu path, fast path)
  2. Release billing documents for accounting: initial screen
  3. Release billing documents for accounting: select and release
  4. SD billing document: Change billing date

1. Get Started

2. Release billing documents for accounting: initial screen

Release billing documents for accounting: initial screen

  1. Payer: (optional; 10-digit sponsor research customer number; see table below)

    Group Int/Ext From To Size Type of record
    SPON Internal 8000000000 8999999999 10 New sponsors
    SPOX External 9930000000 9949999999 10 Existing sponsors
    GEN Internal 7000000000 7999999999 10 General A/R customers

  2. Sales organization: (required; 1000 for sponsor billing)

  3. Created by: (optional; default is your userid)

  4. SD document: (optional; range is 90000000 - 99999999)

  5. Billing type (optional; F2 for cost reimbursable or ZSSB for advance scheduled bills)

  6. Incomplete due to: (optional; give reason for problem)

  7. or F8 to Execute.

    Result: A list SD billing documents matching your selection criteria.displays, as shown in the next step.

3. Release billing documents for accounting: select and release

Release billing documents for accounting: select

To release SD billing documents to accounting,

  1. Select SD billing documents for which FI invoices are to be created. Note: Initially no billing documents are selected.

screen columns

On the Macintosh, contiguous billing requests can be selected by Shift-click on each and non-contiguous items by Control-click.

On Windows, multiple bill requests can be selected by Control-click on each.

  1. To create FI invoices from selected SD billing documents, do either of the following:

4. SD billing document: change billing date

You change the billing date from VFX3, if this is the problem with the SD billing document. To do so,

  1. Select billing document to change, as described above in step 3, part A; then click on the pencil icon (third from right, next to flag).
  2. Result: The SD Billing Document Change: Overview screen displays (not shown).

  3. Follow the instructions in step 4 of VF02 - Change Billing Document to change and save the billing date.

    If there is no other problem with the billing document, the FI invoice is created automatically.

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