Our Mission

The Office of the Vice Chancellor advances academic innovation and fosters the growth of every MIT student, empowering them to make a positive impact at MIT and beyond.


A leg up for STEM majors

MIT undergraduates broaden their perspectives and prospects through political science.

Designing better ways to deliver drugs

Graduate student and MathWorks fellow Louis DeRidder is developing a device to make chemotherapy dosing more accurate for individual patients.

Developing materials for stellar performance in fusion power plants

Zoe Fisher, a doctoral student in NSE, is researching how defects can alter the fundamental properties of ceramics upon radiation.


New vice chancellor for undergraduate and graduate education

Chancellor Melissa Nobles announced that David L. Darmofal SM '91, PhD '93, Jerome C. Hunsaker Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, has accepted our offer to serve as the next vice chancellor for undergraduate and graduate education.

Congrats to Kim Benard!

Kim Benard, Associate Dean and Director of Distinguished Fellowship and Academic Excellence in CAPD, has been selected for a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.

OGE Announces Administrative Tool and Reorganization

Associate Dean and Director of the OGE shares two exciting updates on how the office will serve our graduate student body, administrators, and faculty.