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To retrieve a listing of the attributes and/or policies associated with a principal, use the kadmin get_principal command, which requires the “inquire” administrative privilege. The syntax is:

     get_principal principal

The get_principal command has the alias getprinc.

For example, suppose you wanted to view the attributes of the principal
jennifer/root@ATHENA.MIT.EDU. You would type:

     shell% kadmin
     kadmin: getprinc jennifer/root
     Principal: jennifer/root@ATHENA.MIT.EDU
     Expiration date: [never]
     Last password change: Mon Jan 31 02:06:40 EDT 2002
     Password Expiration date: [none]
     Maximum ticket life: 0 days 10:00:00
     Maximum renewable life: 7 days 00:00:00
     Last modified: Wed Jul 24 14:46:25 EDT 2002 (joeadmin/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU)
     Last successful authentication: Mon Jul 29 18:20:17 EDT 2002
     Last failed authentication: Mon Jul 29 18:18:54 EDT 2002
     Failed password attempts: 3
     Number of keys: 2
     Key: vno 2, Triple DES cbc mode with HMAC/sha1, no salt
     Key: vno 2, DES cbc mode with CRC-32, no salt
     Policy: [none]

The get_principal command has a -terse option, which lists the fields as a quoted, tab-separated string. For example:

     kadmin: getprinc -terse jennifer/root
     jennifer/root@ATHENA.MIT.EDU	0	1027458564
     0	36000	 (joeadmin/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU
     1027536385	18	2	0	[none]	604800	1027980137
     1027980054	3	2	1	2	16	0	1
     2	1	0