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5.5.1 Dumping a Kerberos Database to a File

To dump a Kerberos database into a file, use the kdb5_util dump command on one of the KDCs. The syntax is:

     kdb5_util dump [-old] [-b6] [-b7] [-ov]
     [-verbose] [-mkey_convert] [-new_mkey_file] [filename

The kdb5_util dump command takes the following options:

causes the dump to be in the Kerberos 5 Beta 5 and earlier dump format (“kdb5_edit load_dump version 2.0”).
causes the dump to be in the Kerberos 5 Beta 6 format (“kdb5_edit load_dump version 3.0”).
causes the dump to be in the Kerberos 5 Beta 7 format (“kdbt_edit load_dump version 4”).
causes the dump to be in ovsec_adm_export format. Currently, the only way to preserve per-principal policy information is to use this in conjunction with a normal dump.
causes the name of each principal and policy to be printed as it is dumped.
prompts for a new master password, and then dumps the database with all keys reencrypted in this new master key
reads a new key from the default keytab and then dumps the database with all keys reencrypted in this new master key

For example:

     shell% kdb5_util dump dumpfile
     shell% kbd5_util dump -verbose dumpfile

If you specify which principals to dump, you must use the full principal, as in the following example. (The line beginning with => is a continuation of the previous line.):

     shell% kdb5_util dump -verbose dumpfile K/M@ATHENA.MIT.EDU
     => kadmin/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU

Otherwise, the principals will not match those in the database and will not be dumped:

     shell% kdb5_util dump -verbose dumpfile K/M kadmin/admin

If you do not specify a dump file, kdb5_util will dump the database to the standard output.

There is currently a bug where the default dump format omits the per-principal policy information. In order to dump all the data contained in the Kerberos database, you must perform a normal dump (with no option flags) and an additional dump using the “-ov” flag to a different file.