5.7 g Tris base
pH to 6.7 with H3PO4
water to 100 mL
18.2 g Tris base
pH to 8.9 with HCl
water to 100 mL
7.5 g Tris base
36 g Glycine
Water to 250 mL
3 mL glycerol
0.6 mL 50x running buffer
6.4 mL H2O
bromophenol blue
Separating (Lower): 7.5%
H2O 6 mL
lower buffer 3 mL
30/0.8% acryl/bis 3 mL
TEMED 7 µl
10% APS 84 µl
Stacking (Upper) 4.3%
H2O 5 mL
upper buffer 1 mL
30/0.8% acryl/bis 1 mL
TEMED 8 µl
10% APS 40 µl