
Thompson, J.R., Pacocha, S., Pharino, C., Klepac-Ceraj, V., Hunt, D.E., Benoit, J., Sarma-Rupavtarm, R., Distel, D.L., Polz, M.F. (2005) Genotypic diversity within a natural coastal bacterioplankton community. Science. 307:1311-1313.

Research Interests

  1. Role of marine bacteriophage in shaping bacterial community.


2000 - B.S, Oglethorpe University, Biology


Jennifer Benoit

Graduate Student

Joint Program with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

MIT 48-216  #4

77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA  02139

Phone: (617) 253-1691   Fax: (617) 253-7475

Email: j_benoit(at)