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Professor Athony T. Patera
Co-Director (MIT)

“I have had the privilege of seeing the joy our SMA students experience when they realize that they are the first to develop a new formulation, prove a new result, develop a new technology, or solve a longstanding problem.”


In my capacity as a faculty member in both SMA-1 and now SMA-2 programs, I have had the privilege to teach _ and learn from _ SMA students, and to supervise Masters and Ph.D. SMA research.

I have had the privilege of seeing our SMA students embrace new educational programs and new educational technology _ to boldly go where no students have gone before.

I have had the privilege of listening to SMA students ask questions in class _ 12,000 miles away from MIT, at 7:30am or 10:30pm Singapore time _ because they needed to know an answer, understand a subtlety, or appreciate a connection.

I have had the privilege of receiving SMA homework assignments clearly better than papers in allegedly archival journals.

I have had the privilege of witnessing our SMA students develop “attention surfeit disorder,” a lesser known syndrome crucial to the conduct of successful scientific research.

I have had the privilege of observing the creativity and tenacity with which our SMA students pursue their research ideas.

I have had the privilege of seeing the joy our SMA students experience when they realize that they are the first to develop a new formulation, prove a new result, develop a new technology, or solve a longstanding problem.

I have had the privilege of watching our SMA students participate in international conferences, and engage _ even challenge _ the leaders in their field.

And I have had the privilege of understanding the sense of responsibility _ to themselves, to their families, to Singapore, and to the international community more broadly _ with which our SMA students pursue their careers and lives subsequent to SMA.

I believe I speak for all my MIT, NUS, and NTU faculty colleagues involved in SMA-1 and SMA-2: it has been a privilege to participate in SMA, and to have the opportunity to join forces with such a wonderful cohort of students.

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