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July 2005 marked the graduation of another talented cohort of our SMA students at the NUS Commencement and NTU Convocation ceremonies.

At the NUS Commencement on 7 July 2005, a total of 51 graduands were awarded their Masters degrees while another 4 received their doctoral degrees. They were from our AMM&NS, HPCES, MEBCS and CS programmes. Before the ceremony, Tan Kiok Lim and Vincent
Vagenende from the HPCES and MEBCS had the honour of being interviewed for the pre-ceremony video broadcast. Their words were a heartfelt summary of the graduands’ jubilation at having successfully completed their education.

During the graduation ceremony, the SMA Singapore Co-Director Professor Andrew Nee proudly announced the graduands’ names. Two of the MIT faculty Professor Leslie Pack Kaebling and Professor Tomas Lozano-Perez from the CS programme witnessed the graduation.

At the NTU Convocation on 15 July 2005, 28 graduands from the IMST programme received their degrees under the auspices of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE). Many of the IMST Fellows were in attendance and they formed the academic procession. In addition to Professor Andrew Nee, they included Professor Yue Chee Yoon, Professor Tor Shu Beng, Professor Appa Iyer Siva Sivakumar and Professor Kamal Youcef-Toumi from MIT.

SMA congratulates our graduating class of 2005 and wishes them success in their future endeavours.





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