MIT 3.205
Thermodynamics & Kinetics of Materials
Faculty: Prof Eagar
MIT 3.206
Introduction to Materials Engineering Practice
Faculty: Prof Fitzgerald
TA: Amanda Leah Giermann
MIT 3.225
Electronic & Mechanical Properties of Materials
Faculty: Prof Fitzgeraldl, Prof Ortiz
MIT 3.44
Materials Processing for Micro & Nano Systems
Faculty: Prof Thompson
MIT 3.57 / ESD.73
Materials Selection, Design, Economics
Faculty: Prof Clark
MIT 10.40
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Faculty: Prof Blankschtein
MIT 10.50
Analysis of Transport Phenomena
Faculty: Prof Deen, Prof Doyle
MIT 10.34
Numerical Methods Applied to Chemical Engineering
Faculty: Prof Green
MIT 6.336, 2.096, 16.910
Introduction to Numerical Simulation
Faculty: Prof Daniel
MIT 16.920, 2.097, 6.339
Numerical Methods for PDE's
Faculty: Prof Peraire
MIT 15.093, 2.098
Optimization Methods
Faculty: Prof
Distinguished Speaker Series in Computation for Design and Optimization
Faculty: Prof. Peraire
CME 5233
Particle Methods and Molecular Dynamics
Faculty: Prof Wang Jian-Sheng, Assoc Prof Chen Yu Zong, Assoc Prof Nicolas Hadjiconstantinou
MIT 2.771J / BE.453J
Biomedical Information Technology
Faculty: Prof Dewey
Boon Siew Sea, Luo Le, Huey Eng Chua
MIT 2.715J, 20.487J
Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Biology and Medicine
Faculty: Prof So, Prof Sheppard
TA: Hyuk-Sang Kwon
MIT 2.853/2.854
Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
Faculty: Dr Gershwin
MIT 2.96/2.961
Management in Engineering
Faculty: Prof Chun