
6.033--Computer System Engineering

Background and citations for assorted disasters

World-Wide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS)

$1B spent between 1971 and 1980
not working satisfactorily.

William J. Broad. Computers and the U.S. military don't mix. Science 207 (March 14, 1980) page 1183.

Air Force Advanced Logistics System.

$250M spent, between 1968 and 1975.
$481M estimated required to complete system; abandonment proposed.

Patrick Ward. Congress may force end to Air force inventory project. Computerworld IX, 49 (December 3, 1975).

United Airlines reservation system

Begun 1966
Target 1968
Abandoned 1970

Angeline Pantages. Snatching defeat from the Jaws of Victory: Part II, UAL and Univac Datamation, March 1970

"Univac did not deliver the system contracted already two years late by the ...cancellation."

TWA reservation system by Burroughs

Burroughs hit by TWA suit for $70 million. Wall Street Journal, Friday, October 23, 1970, page 4.

New York City/Sperry Rand traffic light control system

Begun 1965
Abandoned 1968, after three years work it was 2 years behind schedule
$5.4M contract for 2693 intersections, was to have escalated to $100M

New York City Cancels $5.4 million order with Sperry Rand for Traffic Control Plan. Wall Street Journal, Thursday, January 18, 1968, page 7.

Princeton library inventory control system

Marguerite Zientara. System removed from Princeton library. ComputerWorld XI, 49 (December 4, 1978).

Fox Meyer Drug Company

Bernard Wysocki Jr. Some firms, let down by costly computers, opt to 'de-engineer'. Wall Street Journal CCXXXI, 84 (Thursday, April 30, 1998) Eastern Edition page 1

"In even more extreme cases, a failed system has helped sink a company, as executives of Fox-Meyer Drug Co. discovered in 1996, when the company's brand-new $65 million computer project failed. New software couldn't handle the huge daly volume of orders from pharmacies, among other problems. The breakdown played a significant role in the Carrollton, Texas, drug-distribution company's decision to seek bankruptcy-court protection, company exeutives have said. FoxMeyer was later acquired by a competitor."

Oxford Health Plans
Planning started 1993
Disaster in 1997

Ron Winslow and George Anders. How new technology was Oxford's nemesis. Wall Stret Journal, Thursday, December 11, 1997, Eastern edition page B1.

I.R.S. Tax Systems Modernization Project

$4 billion project
13 major systems, out of "dozens" currently in use

David Cay Johnston. I.R.S. admits lag in modernization; urges contract plan. New York Times CXLVI, 50,689 (Friday, 31 January 1997) pages A1 and A18.

Statewide Automatic Child-Support System (SACSS, California)

San Francisco Chronicle 2 May 1997, page A22.

IBM Workplace OS

Brett D. Fleisch. The failure of personalities to generalize. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HOT-OS VI) 1997, pages 8-13. PostScript

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