#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use onserver; setup(); print "\nEnter the code name for your project (a valid Python package name).\n"; print "Do not use 'django' or the name of any other Python library.\n"; print "Project name: "; my $name = ; chomp $name; open FASTCGI, ">index.fcgi"; print FASTCGI <README.txt"; print README <. -- Scripts Team 2013-06-27 EOF close README; chmod 0555, "README.txt"; open HTACCESS, ">.htaccess"; print HTACCESS <settings.py.new"; while () { chomp; if (/Your Name/) { $_ = " ('$USER', '$email'),"; } elsif (/^DEBUG = /) { $_ =~ s/DEBUG/import os\n\nDEBUG/; } elsif (/'ENGINE'/) { $_ = " 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',"; } elsif (/'NAME'/) { $_ = " 'NAME': '$sqldb',"; } elsif (/'USER'/) { $_ = " 'OPTIONS': {\n 'read_default_file' : os.path.expanduser('~/.my.cnf'),\n },"; } elsif (/'PASSWORD'/) { next; } elsif (/'HOST'/) { next; } elsif (/Chicago/) { $_ =~ s/Chicago/New_York/; } elsif (/^STATIC_URL/) { $_ = "STATIC_URL = '//$USER.$server/$name/static/'"; } elsif (/^STATIC_ROOT/) { $_ = "STATIC_ROOT = '/mit/$USER/web_scripts/$addrend/static/'"; } elsif (/^INSTALLED_APPS/) { print NEWSETTINGS "$_\n"; while () { if (/^\)/) { print NEWSETTINGS " 'django.contrib.admin',\n"; print NEWSETTINGS " 'django.contrib.admindocs',\n"; } print NEWSETTINGS $_; } } print NEWSETTINGS "$_\n"; } close NEWSETTINGS; close SETTNGS; rename "settings.py.new", "settings.py"; open URLS, "urls.py"; open NEWURLS, ">urls.py.new"; while () { chomp; if (/^#.*from django\.contrib import admin/) { $_ =~ s/^# *//; } elsif (/^#.*admin.autodiscover/) { $_ =~ s/^# *//; } elsif (/^ *# url\(r\'\^admin\//) { $_ =~ s/# *//; } print NEWURLS "$_\n"; } close NEWURLS; close URLS; rename "urls.py.new", "urls.py"; chdir ".."; system(qw{python manage.py collectstatic --noinput}) == 0 or die "\nFailed to collect static files.\n\n"; print "Initializing your project's SQL database schema...\n"; system qw{./manage.py syncdb --noinput}; print "...done\n"; print "Creating your superuser account... "; system qw{./manage.py createsuperuser --username}, $admin_username, "--email", $email, "--noinput"; print "done\n"; print "Setting your superuser password... "; system qw{mysql -D}, "$USER+$addrlast", "-e", "UPDATE auth_user SET password=MD5(\'$admin_password\') WHERE username=\'$admin_username\'"; print "done\n"; print "\nDjango has been installed. The setup is roughly what's described\n"; print "in the shared-hosting section of\n"; print " http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/deployment/fastcgi/\n"; print "We've also enabled the admin app. You can start from the 'Creating\n"; print "models' step of the Django tutorial:\n"; print " http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/#id3\n\n"; print "Your project is located in:\n"; print " /mit/$USER/Scripts/django/$name/\n"; print "To access manage.py, run 'ssh -k $USER\@scripts' and cd to the above directory.\n\n"; press_enter; exit 0;