import setuptools # MONKEYPATCH: Stop egg_info from stupidly traversing the entire # development directory. import setuptools.command.egg_info import os class FileList(setuptools.command.egg_info.FileList): def findall(self, dir=os.curdir): """Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames (relative to 'dir'). """ from stat import ST_MODE, S_ISREG, S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK list = [] stack = [dir] pop = stack.pop push = stack.append while stack: dir = pop() # BEGIN MODIFICATION if dir in ("tests", "srv", ".git"): continue # END MODIFICATION names = os.listdir(dir) for name in names: if dir != os.curdir: # avoid the dreaded "./" syndrome fullname = os.path.join(dir, name) else: fullname = name # Avoid excess stat calls -- just one will do, thank you! stat = os.stat(fullname) mode = stat[ST_MODE] if S_ISREG(mode): list.append(fullname) elif S_ISDIR(mode) and not S_ISLNK(mode): push(fullname) self.allfiles = list setuptools.command.egg_info.FileList = FileList # END MONKEYPATCH setuptools.setup( name = 'wizard', version = '', author = 'The Wizard Team', author_email = '', description = ('A next-generation autoinstall management system'), license = 'MIT', url = '', packages = setuptools.find_packages(exclude=["tests", "plugins"]), install_requires = ['decorator'], # versions? keywords = "autoinstall webapp deploy", )