IPython Cluster Plugin


These docs are for IPython 0.12+ which is installed in the latest StarCluster 11.10 Ubuntu-based AMIs. See starcluster listpublic for a list of available AMIs.

To configure your cluster as an interactive IPython cluster you must first define the ipcluster plugin in your config file:

[plugin ipcluster]
setup_class = starcluster.plugins.ipcluster.IPCluster

If you’d like to use the new IPython web notebook (highly recommended!) you’ll also want to add the following settings:

[plugin ipcluster]
setup_class = starcluster.plugins.ipcluster.IPCluster
enable_notebook = True
# set a password for the notebook for increased security
notebook_passwd = a-secret-password

After defining the plugin in your config, add the ipcluster plugin to the list of plugins in one of your cluster templates:

[cluster smallcluster]
plugins = ipcluster

Using the IPython Cluster

To use your new IPython cluster log in directly to the master node of the cluster as the CLUSTER_USER and create a parallel client:

$ starcluster sshmaster mycluster -u myuser
$ ipython
[~]> from IPython.parallel import Client
[~]> rc = Client(packer='pickle')

Once the client has been started, create a ‘view’ over the entire cluster and begin running parallel tasks. Below is an example of performing a parallel map across all nodes in the cluster:

[~]> view = rc[:]
[~]> results = view.map_async(lambda x: x**30, range(8))
[~]> print results.get()

See also

See the IPython parallel docs (0.12+) to learn more about the IPython parallel API

Connecting from your Local IPython Installation


You must have IPython 0.12+ installed to use this feature

If you’d rather control the cluster from your local IPython installation use the shell command and pass the --ipcluster option:

$ starcluster shell --ipcluster=mycluster

This will start StarCluster’s development shell and configure a remote parallel session for you automatically. StarCluster will create a parallel client in a variable named ipclient and a corresponding view of the entire cluster in a variable named ipview which you can use to run parallel tasks on the remote cluster:

$ starcluster shell --ipcluster=mycluster
[~]> ipclient.ids
[0, 1, 2, 3]
[~]> res = ipview.map_async(lambda x: x**30, range(8))
[~]> print res.get()

Using IPython Parallel Scripts with StarCluster

If you wish to run parallel IPython scripts from your local machine that run on the remote cluster you will need to use the following configuration when creating the parallel client in your code:

from IPython.parallel import Client
rc = Client('~/.starcluster/ipcluster/<cluster>-<region>.json'

For example, let’s say we started a cluster called ‘mycluster’ in region ‘us-east-1’ with keypair ‘mykey’ stored in /home/user/.ssh/mykey.rsa. In this case the above config should be updated to:

from IPython.parallel import Client
rc = Client('/home/user/.starcluster/ipcluster/mycluster-us-east-1.json'

Using the IPython HTML Notebook

The IPython cluster plugin comes with support for the new IPython web notebook. As mentioned in the intro section, you will need to specify a few extra settings in the IPython cluster plugin’s config in order to use the web notebook:

[plugin ipcluster]
setup_class = starcluster.plugins.ipcluster.IPCluster
enable_notebook = True
# set a password for the notebook for increased security
notebook_passwd = a-secret-password

The notebook_passwd setting specifies the password to set on the remote IPython notebook server. If you do not specify the notebook_passwd setting the plugin will randomly generate a password for you. You will be required to enter this password in order to login and use the notebook server on the cluster. In addition to enforcing a notebook password, StarCluster also enables SSL in the notebook server in order to secure the transmission of your password when logging in.

Once you have these settings in the plugin’s config simply start a cluster and let the plugin configure your IPython cluster:

$ starcluster start iptest
StarCluster - (http://web.mit.edu/starcluster)
Software Tools for Academics and Researchers (STAR)
Please submit bug reports to starcluster@mit.edu

... (abbreviated output)
>>> Running plugin ipcluster
>>> Writing IPython cluster config files
>>> Starting IPython cluster with 9 engines
>>> Waiting for JSON connector file...
>>> Saving JSON connector file to 'iptest-us-east-1.json'
iptest-us-east-1.json 100% ||||||||||||||||||||||||| Time: 00:00:00   0.00 B/s
>>> Setting up IPython web notebook for user: myuser
>>> Creating SSL certificate for user myuser
>>> Authorizing tcp port 8888 on
>>> IPython notebook URL: https://ec2-99-99-99-99.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8888
>>> The notebook password is: XXXXXXXXX
>>> IPCluster has been started on iptest for user 'myuser'.
>>> IPCluster took 0.247 mins

Pay special attention to the following two lines as you’ll need them to login to the cluster’s IPython notebook server from your web browser:

>>> IPython notebook URL: https://ec2-XXXX.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8888
>>> The notebook password is: XXXXXXXXX

Navigate to the given https address and use the password to login:


After you’ve logged in you should be looking at IPython’s dashboard page:


Since this is a brand new cluster there aren’t any existing IPython notebook’s to play with. Click the New Notebook button to create a new IPython notebook:


This will create a new blank IPython notebook. To begin using the notebook, click inside the first input cell and begin typing some Python code. You can enter multiple lines of code in one cell if you like. When you’re ready to execute your code press shift-enter. This will execute the code in the current cell and show any output in a new output cell below.

You can modify existing cells simply by clicking in the cell, changing some text, and pressing shift-enter again to re-run the cell. While a cell is being executed you will notice that the IPython notebook goes into a busy mode:


You can keep adding and executing more cells to the notebook while in busy mode, however, the cells will run in the order they were executed one after the other. Only one cell can be running at a time.

Once you’ve finished adding content to your notebook you can save your work to the cluster by pressing the save button. Since this is a new notebook you should also change the name before saving which will temporarily change the save button to rename:


This will save the notebook to <notebook title>.ipynb in your CLUSTER_USER‘s home folder. If you’ve configured StarCluster to mount an EBS volume on /home then these notebook files will automatically be saved to the EBS volume when the cluster shuts down. If this is not the case you will want to download the notebook files before you terminate the cluster if you wish to save them:


Press ctrl-m h within the web notebook to see all available keyboard shortcuts and commands

See also

See the official IPython notebook docs for more details on using the IPython notebook

Using Parallel IPython in the IPython Notebook

It’s also very easy to combine the notebook with IPython’s parallel framework running on StarCluster to create an HPC-powered notebook. Simply use the same commands described in the Using the IPython Cluster section to set up a parallel client and view in the notebook:
