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Allison An Chang

Technical Staff
Lincoln Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Ph.D., Operations Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2012
    Advisors: Dimitris Bertsimas and Cynthia Rudin
    Thesis: Integer Optimization Methods for Machine Learning
Sc.B., Applied Mathematics, Brown University, May 2007

Short Biography

Hello and welcome to my homepage! I received my Ph.D. from the Operations Research Center at MIT in June 2012 and am currently a member of the research staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Prior to my graduate work, I studied Applied Mathematics at Brown University. I decided to pursue a career in Operations Research after taking a mathematical programming course while studying abroad at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia during Fall 2005. My research interests include statistical learning and optimization.

Summer Internships
Teaching Assistantships

MIT Spring 2012   15.097 Prediction: Machine Learning and Statistics   Cynthia Rudin
MIT Fall 2010   15.075 Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis   Cynthia Rudin
MIT Fall 2009   15.075 Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis   Cynthia Rudin
MIT Fall 2008   15.093 Optimization Methods   Pablo Parrilo
Brown Spring 2006   CS4 Introduction to Scientific Computing and Problem Solving   Alan Usas
Brown Spring 2005   CS4 Introduction to Scientific Computing and Problem Solving   Alan Usas

In my spare time, I like playing piano and clarinet, reading, and watching movies. I also enjoy ping-pong, skiing, ice skating, and ballroom dancing.
Click here for pictures of my family.


D. Bertsimas, A. Chang, and C. Rudin Ordered Rules for Classification. Submitted, under review. 2012.
A. Chang, C. Rudin, M. Cavaretta, R. Thomas, G. Chou. How to Reverse-Engineer Quality Rankings. Machine Learning, Vol. 88(3), pg. 369-398, September 2012.
D. Bertsimas, A. Chang, C. Rudin. Integer Optimization Methods for Supervised Ranking. Submitted, under review. 2011.
D. Bertsimas, A. Chang, C. Rudin. A Discrete Optimization Approach to Supervised Ranking. In Proceedings of the 5th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics, November 2010.
K.D. Borne, A. Chang. Data Mining for Extra-Solar Planets. In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 376, 2007.
A. Chang, I. Izmailov, S. Rizzo, S. Wynter, O. Alexandrov, C. Tong. Computer Experiments for Function Approximations. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory report UCRL-TR-235618, 2007.


D. Bertsimas, A. Chang, C. Rudin. Integer Optimization Methods for Ranking Problems in Machine Learning. SIAM Conference on Optimization, Darmstadt, Germany, May 2011.
D. Bertsimas, C. Barnhart, A. Chang. Optimization-Based Data Mining Methods for Cancer Treatments. INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 2009.
A. Belloni, R. Freund, K.C. Toh, A. Chang. Improved Initialization of the Homogeneous Self-Dual Embedding Model for Solving Conic Optimization. SIAM Conference on Optimization, Boston, MA, May 2008.

Awards and Honors

INFORMS Data Mining Section Student Paper Award Finalist (2011)
Rohn Truell Premium for High Distinction in Applied Mathematics
Anne Crosby Emery Fellowship
Phi Beta Kappa
Sigma Xi
Magna Cum Laude

last updated: January 21, 2013