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Using Technology in Course Curriculum

This collection of articles on TEACHING WITH TECHNOLOGY is an effort to bring together information about the many educational technology services that directly support teaching and learning at MIT. These services are delivered by a number of different departments and teams, and although they share many common practices it can be difficult to find the right provider for a particular service or technology, without knowing the landscape.

This collection aims to make this process easier over time. These pages are based on a site created by the Academic Computing Coordination group (ACCORD), which was a joint effort by the Dean for Undergraduate Education's Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT), the MIT Libraries, and Information Services & Technology.

Today, the Office of Digital Learning (ODL) * and *MIT Video Production (MVP) Services replace the many services provided by ACCORD and OEIT .

  • Class Management Tools
    There are a variety of options for communicating and collaborating with students and putting your course on the web. These include Residential MITx(a platform for authoring and distributing online course content), Canvas (MIT's course management system), LMOD, Canvas, Microsoft Teams for Education, class email lists, course web lockers, OCW, Instant Messaging, Blogs, and Wikis, and more.
  • Residential Digital Innovations
    New learning technologies are being developed and pioneered by the faculty, students, and staff. These include tools to enhance visualization, facilitate knowledge mapping, enable interactive, online tutoring, create technology-enabled classrooms, crowd-source review of assignments and more. Search the Residential Digital Innovations page to learn about specific tools or initiatives in a specific discipline,
  • Digital Documents
    Digital copyright advice, digital conversion services, e-reserves, finding digital materials for teaching, digital archiving, and more.
  • Image Services
    Rotch Visual Collections, ARTstor, Dome, m:media, Visualizing Cultures, ArchNet, VUE, Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, and more.
  • Learning Spaces
    Technology-enabled places to teach and learn
    Lecture halls, electronic classrooms, New Media Center, collaboration spaces, clusters, A/V services, distance learning, video-conferencing, and more.
  • Software Resources
    Creating teaching materials
    Educational software, educational software support, consulting, and more.
  • Video
    Produce and upload a video. Share a meeting. Record a lecture.
    Video Recording and Delivery, Conferencing, Distance Learning, and more.
  • Other ways to find articles
    • All articles in this collection, A-Z
    • Getting started: here are some good starting points if you're just beginning or new to MIT
    • Resources: campus groups responsible for educational technology services, online reference collections, consultants

IS&T Contributions

Documentation and information provided by IS&T staff members

Last Modified:

December 10, 2024

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